Iniscealtra National School

Mountshannon Co. Clare


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How the lake got its name

- the actual story handed down to us from long ago

Once there was a king called Eochaidh Mac Luachta. He ruled South Connaught and North Munster and lived not far from Mountshannon. King Eochaidh was a very kind and generous man. He had only one eye.

There were skilled poets there at that time known as bards who entertained the king! People were always cautious about what they said to the bards because they could and did make up nasty things about them! Athirne was a bard who travelled to kingdoms all over Ireland to visit the kings. He had a terrible reputation however because everywhere he went, he would make the most impossible demands on his host and you dare not refuse him.

He went to visit Eochaidh Mac Luachta and Eochaidh was nice to him. When Athirne was leaving, Eochaidh asked him what would he like. Athirne asked for Eochaidh's only eye to be handed to him! This was outrageous as far as everyone was concerned. Eochaidh had no choice but to give him his eye. He pulled it out and gave it to Athairne. When Athirne left, Eochaidh asked his servant to bring him down to the lake. He rinsed his face and the whole lake turned red!!!
That is why it is called lough dearg which means 'red lake'. In the end because of his kindness Eochaidh got both of his eyes back from the Good Lord.

The End!

By Sarah and Caoibhe!

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