Iniscealtra National School
Ben, Susan and the Monster.One day two children, Ben and Susan, were walking to school when they saw splashes coming from the water. They went over to get a better look. When they got to the edge they looked in and saw a big green monster with yellow eyes. It started to come up to the surface. The children were very frightened. They ran over and hid behind a rock. The monster followed them and said "I am not going to hurt you". The children came out from behind the rock very slowly because they were still a little scared of the monster. Ben asked "Who or what are you?". The monster replied "I am the Lough Derg monster and who are you?" "I am Ben", "And I am Susan". "Where are you going?" said the monster. "We are going to school", they said."We'd better go Ben otherwise we will be late". "Goodbye" the children shouted as they ran down. When they got to school they told the teacher all about the monster but she said "There is no such thing as the Lough Derg monster, it must be your imagination". "But we did see the monster", but the teacher still didn't believe them. "We really did", they pleaded. "That's enough!" said the teacher, getting angry. After school they told their mum and not even she believed them. To make her believe them they took her to where they had seen the monster that morning. When they got there they went to the edge of the water and looked in. The monster was there looking up at the children. They saw him but their mother saw nothing. "Mum it's over there" said Ben. "Where?" said his mother "I can't see anything". They went home and their mother sent them to their room. The next morning on their way to school they saw the monster again. "Hello" he said. The children went over to him and Susan asked him "Why could we see you but our mother couldn't?". "It is because I only appear to good children, grown-ups and bad children scare me". "Please don't tell anyone else about me" begged the monster. "We promise not to tell" said the children. And from that day they went to see him every morning and evening before dinner but they never told anyone about him. Sinead & Michelle D |