Iniscealtra National School

Mountshannon Co. Clare


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Current Date/Time 2

Mountshannon Times.

Special Report

Lough Derg Monster seen

Four little girls attacked by a monster in Lough Derg.
The girls were down at the lake fishing on a boat when they saw a big green slimey yellow one-eyed monster jumping out of the water. He had big spikes on his back. He turned over their boat and grabbed Denise (one of the girls) and flung her back into the water. She was coughing and choking. He then made a few snaps at them but missed. The girls tried to turn the boat back over but it was too heavy. The big slimey monster swam around them. They tried to swim to the surface but hadn't enough time nor strength. They called loudly for help but nobody answered. Nadine spotted the oar and grabbed it. She hit the monster on the head with it.
The monster swam away for a few minutes that was just enough time for then to get back to the shore. They saw the monster, it was roaring its head off in an angry way. They went into town to tell people to be careful but people didn't believe them so they brought people and reporters down to the lake but there was nothing there and people just laughed at them. The girls commented: "We think it's really scary and we hope we never see it again. Luckily none of us got hurt". That's all we have for this evening.
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