Iniscealtra National School

Mountshannon Co. Clare


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Current Date/Time 2

Poem Collection.

Lough Derg and the Pike

There was a pike in Lough Derg
He was ninety pounds.
Every fisherman tried to capture him.

Then came Joe
Who captured him and let him go.
Then it swam away
And came back a year later.

Then came Pakie and captured him
and he was

             Thomas Smith

My Mother Said

My mother said when I play down at the lake
That my life's at stake.
She said there's a monster waiting there
To jump out and scare.
She said there's a monster called a Ramboo
Who would come out and grab you.

The lake is deep, the lake is dark.
She said in the depths, lives a shark.
I still think these things are true
The shark and the ramboo too.
The shark has make me so scared
I won't go on the lake.

Conni Dawson

Lough Derg

In Lough Derg my dog, my dog loves to play
He loves it so much, I have to drag him away.
On Lough Derg you can learn to be a great swimmer,
When I walk past on a nice day it always seems to shimmer.
In Lough Derg some people swim,
Some for fun, some to get slim.
And out to Holy Island the coffins sometimes go,
It can be a lonesome sight to see the boatmen row.
And the best thing about Lough Derg as anyone can see
There's no cost or bill at all, it's absolutely free!!

Eimear McNamara

Wooden Barrels
The ghillies used to deliver Guinness
Guinness to the shops.
The Guinness was put in wooden barrels
And was drank a lot.
The people were mostly drunk more than sober.

             Hannah Ryan

Lough Red

Lough Derg, Lough Derg
Lake of the red.
The man who named it
Is very long dead

Anya Howick
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