Senior Handball Rules
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The goalkeeper may use any part of his body to defend his goal. He has no restriction
in the goal area regarding number of steps or time, but outside he is subject to the rules
of court players. A penalty is awarded if a goalkeeper brings the ball into his goal area.
A 9 metre free throw is awarded if a goalkeeper leaves his goal area while in possession
of the ball.
Playing the ball
A player is permitted to :
- Stop, catch, throw, bounce or strike the ball in any manner and in any direction using
hands (fists or open hands), arms, head, body, thigh and knees
- Hold the ball for a maximum of 3 seconds
- Place the ball from one hand to the other
- Pass the ball whilst standing, sitting, kneeling or lying on the ground
- Stop the ball with one or two hands then catch it without moving
A player is forbidden to :
- Touch the ball more than once unless it touches the ground, another player, or the goal,
is fumbled, or placed from one hand to the other
- Touch the ball intentionally with his leg (i.e. below the knee)
- Dive for the ball as it lies or rolls along the ground
- Deliberately play the ball over the side or goal line
N.B. the goalkeeper is free from some of the above restrictions.
Moving with the ball
A player may only take three steps while holding the ball. He may then stop, bounce the
ball once with one hand and then take a further three steps. He may bounce the ball
repeatedly with one hand while standing or running. Having caught the ball, however, he is
allowed three steps and three seconds to hold it before passing or shooting. He may catch,
bounce the ball again when it has touched another player or the goal. There is no limit on
the number of steps between bouncing and recatching the ball. A player can, if he wishes,
roll the ball along the ground with one hand.
Tackling the opposition
Players trying to dispossess the opposition are allowed to :
- Use hands and arms to block or gain possession of the ball
- Use an open hand to play the ball away from an opponent
- Use the body to obstruct an opponent whether or not he is in possession of the ball
- Enter into bodily contact with an opponent, when facing him and with bent arms, as well
as to control and shadow the opponent
Players are forbidden to :
- Pull or hit the ball out of the hand of an opponent
- Block or force away an opponent with arms, hands or legs
- Reach around, hold, push, run or jump into an opponent
- Deliberately throw the ball at an opponent or thrust it towards him in a feint classed
as dangerous
Suspension of players
For ungentlemanly conduct, dangerous play, or repeated infringements a player may be :
- Cautioned - the player remains on court
- Suspended for 2 minutes - the suspended player leaves the court for 2 minutes and may
not be replaced for the duration of the suspension
- Disqualified from the game - the disqualified player may take no further part in the
game but may be replaced by another player after 2 minutes
- Excluded from the game - the excluded player may take no further part in the game and
may not be replaced by another player
Suspensions not completed in one period of play are carried over into the subsequent
period of play..

Senior Handball Rules
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This page created and maintained
Stephen Healy
Last updated 11-08-1999 |