Crinodendron Hookerianum [Chinese lantern tree] Crinodendron.
Evergreen shrub flowers early Summer. Lime-free soil some shade no pruning required 10'x10'.
Hebe brachysiphon 'White Gem' Hebe brachysiphon.
Evergreen rounded shrub small glossy leaves. Flowers early Summer suited to most soils and aspects. 3'x5'.
Campanula Latiloba Campanula Latiloba.
Strong growing clump forming perennial fowers all Summer. Free flowering availible in white & white also.
Califorian poppy Eschscholzia. californica
Fast-growing annual leaves bluish-green cup shaped. Flowers shades of orange&red. Self-seeding.
Love in a mist Nigella damascena.
Fast-growing annuals feathery leaves flower all Summer. Seed pods can be cut and dried. Self seeding.

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