Pattern 4




Pattern 4:     (a)   Use of birds of prey decoys


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A decoy owl or kestrel can be used to encourage crow to come into the pattern. We have used a decoy owl on a number of occasions with mixed results. On one occasion we used it in a field which had been seeded, with great results. It was placed high behind the hide and crows continued to come in to mob the owl. 


On other occasions they have ignored the decoy, as if it didn't exist or often crossed the field as if to avoid it. 


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We are still experimenting with this form of crow decoying and will keep you posted on developments. It seems to be very successful for some, as is evident below.





    Pattern 4:      (b)   Use of  stuffed animals

Some decoyers have used a stuffed fox to entice crows into the pattern. Like the owl and birds of prey crows often mob a fox when seen in their territory. We have never tried this method but success can be achieved as is evident from the photo. 


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