WARNING: Serious Rant Ahead - Not All Funny
If You Have any Preconceptions of Me Being a Moany Old Man, then Fuck Off.

How many of you own superior PC's? That's a large showing of hands. Well, feel proud, because in 200 years time you, all the poor PC manufacturers and Bill Gates and his croney empire, all their achievements and efforts will all be remembered in the history books with the following words:

Slowed down the progress of humanity.

So this rant was actually over a thousand words long, but since the Internet is clogged with enough opinions, I chopped it down. Long story short: I had a problem with my DELL laptop, as you commonly do. E-mailed the tech line outlining the problem. A week later, I get this message left on my phone (save onto your hard drive if it doesn't load in your browser, and open it with Winamp or Quicktime or any half decent player):

Phone Message left by DELL tech assistant

I seriously thought it was a wrong number, or some garbled terrorist threat. Six hours later I get an e-mail from said tech assistant, saying I missed his call, and that he hoped my issue was resolved. Well, nice to know that DELL hopes that you a positive computing experience. Not even a contact number for me to get him back on. Eventually, it all sorted itself out when it turned out I was lied to, by not having a Bluetooth module in the laptop. I hate DELL>

All I can do is regain some honour by doing this:

I'm so tough I can piledrive the whole DELL Corp. in my pyjamas and sandals! Drop-kick THAT all the way to the bank!
