To create an environment
where young people can have fun and enjoyment through Cricket without a win at all costs attitude

Give young people
an opportunity to make new and lasting friendships
through sport.

Develop links with, and opportunities for all local schools within our community.

Encourage a respect for umpires and all officials involved in the running
of sport

Maintain and cherish the traditions of fair-play and sportsmanship for which
Cricket is renowned

Provide quality coaching for all young people of
ALL abilities at our Club.

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Railway Union Cricket Club welcomes John Anderson back to Sandymount as our overseas player coach for 2006. Already John has visited both Star of the Sea BNS and Scoil Mhuire, Lakelands on February 28th for coaching clinics. Regular visits will be made to both schools over the next few months and John is available to other Schools on request. 

In 2006 Railway Union will compete in Leinster youth league and cups at under 11-A, 11-B, 13-A, 15's .  We also have a girls U13 team for the first time in many years. In addition ‘friendly matches’ will be arranged for our under-9 players with neighboring clubs and some additional matches for older players as required ensuring that all players will have the opportunity to play in a competitive match.

New Members Welcome
New members for all age groups are particularly welcome. For further details please contact:  Elaine Coburn at:
087- 235 2426 or via email

What equipment do I need?
The Club will provide all balls and bats required. No protective equipment is required for young beginners. Older players may wish to buy their own equipment and clothing. 

To prepare for the forthcoming season, the club has arranged indoor coaching for (8 to 12 year old boys and girls) at Roslyn Park,  Sandymount for the next four wednesday nights. This will commence on wed March 8th from 6.00p.m. – 8.00p.m. There will be a small charge of €3 per night to defray expenses. John Anderson, assisted by other qualified coaches from the club will conduct the coaching. (We appreciate that some players will have soccer commitments and are unable to attend)

Outdoor coaching will take place during Easter Holidays on three mornings from 11.00a.m. to 1.00p.m. each day- Monday- Wednesday 10th – 12th of April with John Anderson and other coaches from the Club. This will be for boys and girls up to 15 years. A contribution of €9 (for the three sessions) from each participant is payable to defray the cost of coaching. In the event of wet or extremely cold weather, it may be necessary to defer coaching.

Outdoor in season coaching will commence on Tuesday 25th April 
as follows:
Tue: 4.00pm -5.30 p.m.- U9’s .
Wed: 6.30pm-7.30p.m. U13’s +U 15’s .
Thur: 4.00p.m.- 5.30 p.m.- U11’s and Girls

Coaching of children
All our coaches and volunteers will adhere to the code of ethics and good practice as established by the Irish Cricket Union.

Sport can have a very powerful and positive influence on young people and
should provide opportunities for both enjoyment and achievement. Through sport young people can develop valuable qualities such as leadership, confidence and self-esteem.

These positive outcomes can only be achieved by providing coaching of the highest standard and that will be the aim of the Club at all times so that our members can enjoy sport within a safe and secure environment. We also aim to provide them with positive sporting experiences that will enable them to achieve their true potential.

As required we have appointed 
Ms. Martina Toner as our child protection Officer for 2006.  Martina can be contacted at: 28  Tritonville Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4, Tel. 660 8412 if you have any queries in this regard

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The Club has maintained the Cricket Subscription at the 2005 level of €50.  Remember that if you are member of the Hockey, Tennis or Soccer Sections of Railway Union, you may already have paid your Subscription to Railway Union Sports Club. Please pass completed forms with remittance to Ms. Pat Noone, 2 Park Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4.

Season 2006 News.
April 2006
Sunday morning coaching
As Easter Sunday is April 16th and the following Sunday is the day of the Ireland v Hampshire match in Clontarf, Sunday Coaching will not start until April 30th. This is a Bank Holiday week-end, but we will definitely be starting on that day at 11.00a.m. The Sunday Morning sessions (11.00a.m. – 12.30p.m.) with volunteer coaches are for all age groups and can be attended by those who find it difficult to attend during midweek.

You are all encouraged to see Ireland play Hampshire on April 23rd in what will be Ireland first match in the C&G Trophy, a competition with nine English counties. Hampshire will have Shane Warne of Australia, Kevin Pietersen and Shaun Udal of England in their squad.

Treasure hunt
The Club will be organising a Treasure hunt followed by a barbecue and raffle on Friday May 12th. We need your full support to make this event a huge success. Volunteers to help organise the event are required.   Prizes and vouchers for the Raffle are particularly welcome. 

If you have any comments on this page and or suggestions for it we would be delighted to hear from you. Please email your comments/suggestions and or articles to either David Carroll  or the webmaster.  


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Railway Logo(G).gif (2136 bytes) © Copyright Railway Union Cricket Club
Designed and maintained by John Corcoran.

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