The webmaster or Railway Union Cricket Club takes no responsibility for errors or confirmation of these fixtures. These should be confirmed by opposing captains or team secretary prior to the game scheduled

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Ist XI.
The 1st XI is captained by Kenny Carroll. They  take part in three separate leagues throughout the year. The early season league is  a new 45 over league (DGM).  The 20/20 format of the league is being is continued after a successful debut last term.  The later season league is the Whitney Moore and Keller Senior League based on relegation and promotion. Railway Union are in Section B. They also take part in the Irish Senior Cup and the Leinster Senior Cup (The Conqueror Cup).

Sat-15 April 1 v Pembroke (F)- (H)
Sat-22 April 1 v Downpatrick 20/20-(F) - (H)
Sat-29 April 1 v Rush (DGM-45 Overs. League) - (H)
Sun-7 May 1 v Munster Reds (DGM-45 Overs. League) - (H)
Sat-13 May 1 v Old Belvedere (DGM-45 Overs. League) - (H)
Sat-20 May 1 v Merrion (CC) - (A)
Sun-4 June 1 v Munster Reds (WMK) - (A)
Sat-10 June 1 v Leinster - (WMK) - (H)
Sat-17 June 1 v Ballyspallen (ISC) - (H)
Sun-18 June 1 v Merrion/Nth. County (20/20) - (H)
Sat-1 July 1 v Pembroke (WMK) - (A)
Sun-16 July 1 v CYM (WMK) - (A)
Sun-23-July 1 v Merrion - (WMK) (H)
Sun-30 July 1 v CYM - (WMK)-(H)
Sat-5-Aug 1 v Old Belvedere (WMK) - (A)
Sun-13-Aug 1 v Munster Reds (WMK) - (H)
Sat-26-Aug 1 v Old Belvedere (WMK) - (H)
Sun-27-Aug 1 v Merrion (WMK) - (A)
Sat-9-Sept 1 v Pembroke (WMK) - (H)
Sun-10-Sept 1 v Leinster (WMK) - (A)

2nd XI.
The 2nd team is captained by Ross  Wynne.  It is a first time Ross has captained a senior Railway side. Railway maintain their presence in the Senior 2 league after a reasonable 2005.  As well as the  Senior 2 League we also take part in  the Senior 11 Cup and the Tillain Cup.

Sun-23-Apr 2 v Civil Service - (H)
Mon-1-May 2 v North Co. - (A)
Sun-14-May 2 v Phoenix - (H)
Sun-21-May 2 v Malahide - (H)
Sun-28-May 2 v Clontarf -(A)
Mon-29-May 2 v Midland League - (A) TC 6pm
Sun-11-June 2 v Malahide - (A) SC
Sun-25-June 2 v Pembroke - (A)
Sun-12-July 2 v Laois - (A)
Sun-9-July 2 v Merrrion - (A)
Sat-22-July 2 v North Co.  - (H)
Sun-6-Aug 2 v Pembroke - (H)
Mon-7-Aug 2 v CYM - (A)
Sat-12-Aug 2 v Clontarf - (H)
Sat-19-Aug 2 v Phoenix - (A)
Sun-20-Aug 2 v Merrion - (H)
Sat-2-Sept 2 v CYM - (H)
Sun-3-Sept 2 v Civil Service - (A)
Sun-10-Sept 2 v Malahide - (A)

3rd XI.
The 3rd team is captained by Paul Byrne for the 2nd season. The team take part in the Middle B League,
the Middle Cup and the YM Salver trophy.

Sun-30-April 3 v Old Belvedere - (H)
Sat-20-May 3 v YMCA. -(H)
Sat-27-May 3 v Clontarf - (H)
Tue-30-May 3 v Merrion - (A) YM Salver
Sat-3-June 3 v Leinster - (H)
Sun-4-June 3 v Laois (H) 
Mon-5-June 3 v Phoenix - (A) 
Sat-10-June 3 v Mullingar - (A)
Sat-24-June 3 v Sandyford- (H) MC
Sat-8-July 3 v Knockharley - (H)
Sun-16 July 3 v Knockharley -(A)
Sun-23-July 3 v Wexford - (A)
Sat-29-July 3 v Clontarf - (A)
Sat-5-Aug 3 v Phoenix - (H)
Sun-13-Aug 3 v Leinster - (A)
Sat-26-Aug 3 v Old Belvedere - (A)
Sun-27-Aug 3 v Laois - (A)
Sun-3-Sept 3 v Mullingar - (H)
Sat-9-Sept 3 v YMCA - (A)
Sat-16-Sept 3 v Wexford - (H)

4th XI.
The 4th XI are captained by Samrat Paul. They play in the Junior B League. They also take part in the Whelan Cup and the Junior  Cup during the season.

Sat-29-Apr 4 v Nth. Wicklow- (A)
Mon-1-May 4 v The Hills - (H)
Sat-13-May 4 v Nth County - (A)
Sun-21-May 4 v Balbriggan - (A)
Sun-28-May 4 v Nth. County (H)
Tue- 6-June 4 v Leinster/Nth Wick - (H) WC
Sun-11-June 4 v Nth. Wicklow (H)
Sat-17-June 4 v YMCA - (A)
Sun-25-June 4 v Rush- (H)
Sat-1-July 4 v Civil Service - (H) JC
Sun-2-July 4 v Irish Ladies - (H) 
Sat-22-July 4 v The Hills - (A)
Sun-30-July 4 v Merrion - (A) Bird Avenue
Sat-19-Aug 4 v YMCA - (H)
Sun-20-Aug 4 v Rush - (A) 
Sun-10-Sept 4 v Balbriggan-(H)
Sun-17-Sept 4 v Merrion - (H)


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