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Red Tail Black Shark

Red Tail Black Shark

Quick Stats

Size Up to 6" (15cm)
Tank 120 litres +
Swimming Area Bottom, middle
Ph 6.0 to 7.5
Temperature 73ºF to 84ºF (23-29°C)
Food Flakes, veggies and will also accept live.

Common Name:

Red Tailed Black Shark.


In the streams of Thailand.


A Reddish-Orange to Red Caudal fin with the Pectoral fins being the same or sometimes dark. If the fish is in good condition the rest of the body, including the rest of the fins is Velvet or jet Black. There are some color variations but the one described is the one most commonly seen. Specimens that are in poor health or not kept in the proper conditions will appear pale and washed out.


5 to 8 years.


10 to 20% weekly water change. A fish that can be kept easily in the home aquarium for many years. The water hardness should be on the soft side and not contain too many dissolved salts. They also benefit from frequent water changes. A larger aquarium is best to house these fish as if you are going to keep more than one as pecking order will be established, with one fish controlling the whole group. You will be able to identify the leader by its intense coloration. Hiding places must be provided. The tank should not be lit to bright as the fish are shy.


Diet should be balanced with a good flake food, occasional live food and supplemented with some vegetable matter.


Sandy material.

Tank Decor:

Decorations should include driftwood and live plants. Hiding places should also be provided.


Standard filter suitable for the size of tank.


Clear and muddy waterways littered with wood and stones.


Reports of hobbyist breeding Red Tailed Black Sharks are very rare. What I have found is that a large well planted tank with a ratio of more females to males is needed. The females are more robust and rounded than the males. A spawning tube will appear weeks before spawning and the male fertilizes the eggs in jerky thrusting motions as the eggs are scattered. It is said that the eggs hatch in a couple of days and the fry are easy to raise. Most breeding is done in open ponds in their native Thailand and exported around the world.

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