Cold Water Fish Profiles

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Common Goldfish | Canary Yellow Goldfish | Shubunkin |
Sarasa Comet | Red & Black Goldfish |
Goldfish History & Information
Goldfish are probably the most common pet found in households today and they have been kept as pets longer than any other species of fish. Although there are many varieties they all belong the species Carassius auratus – a sub-species of the crucian carp, Carassius carassius.
Goldfish originated in China and are described in manuscripts from the Sung era in the eleventh century. It is believed that they originated from mutant common carp and during the Sung dynasty the emperors began building pools to keep them. At that time, it was forbidden for anyone outside the royal family to own yellow goldfish, since yellow was the color reserved for royalty. This may have led to the preponderance of orange goldfish over the easier to breed yellow variety.
During the Ming dynasty when ceramics were becoming popular, goldfish were bred in clay aquariums and kept as household pets in decorative ceramic jars. It required the passage of about 500 years for the goldfish to reach beyond China and during the sixteenth century the goldfish was introduced to Japan where they were popular at first with the aristocracy and samurai. The Japanese set up breeding programs and by the eighteenth century had developed the Bubble Eyes, Celestial, Pearlscales, Blue and Lionhead golfish.
The first introduction of the goldfish into Europe is variously dated, the years 1611, 1691 and 1728, A. D., each having claims for that honor; it may be said also that the variety introduced was the poorest and cheapest the Chinese had.The first seen in France, however, were those imported for the famous Madame de Pompadour. Soon afterwards they became quite common, as it was found that they throve well in the waters of Southern Europe, especially in Portugal, where they sprang from a few small fish, said to have escaped from a vessel newly arrived from China. In that country they are now considered a delicacy for the table. It was not long until several streams in the neighborhood of Lisbon absolutely swarmed with them, and it is from this source that all Europe became stocked with them. From Europe the fish were brought to America, and quickly won their way into favor.
During the eighteenth century goldfish found their way to the west and were soon being bred in Europe and were classified zoologically.
Interesting Facts
- The largest goldfish on record was 18.7 inches.
- The average captive goldfish lives 6 to 8 years.
- A group of goldfish is called a "troubling".
- Native to freshwater ponds in tropical or subtropical areas.
- Will turn gray if left in the dark for periods of time.
- All goldfish are born black.