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Black Widow Tetra

Black Widow Tetra

Quick Stats

Size About 2" (6cm)
Tank 20 litres and above for a small school
Swimming Area All
Ph 5.8 to 8.5
Temperature 68ºF to 79ºF (20-26°C)
Food Flakes and Bloodworm

Common Name:

Black Widow Tetra, Black Skirt Tetra.


Southern Brazil, in the Rio Negro and Rio Paraguay.


Silver with black fins and two black parallel bands on its sides.


3 to 5 years.


10% weekly water changes. A wonderful fish for beginners and are also a great choice for pretty much any habitat. They are a small fish who are not all that finicky about their water conditions and will live in water with a pH of anywhere between 5.8 and 8.5 (mine are kept at a neutral pH of 7). As long as you keep up with regular water changes, they'll live a long and happy life. These tetras, unlike most, can be a bit aggressive. They are an active fish and prefer to be in groups of three or more. They are wonderful in a species tank but also do well in a community tank of other similarly sized and larger fish.


Flakes and Bloodworm.


A sandy bottom is best.

Tank Decor:

The tank should have open space for swimming and dense areas of planting. The addition of driftwood will complete the tank.


Filter suitable to the size of tank in which they are housed.


Shaded calm water of the Rio Negro and Rio Paraguay watersheds.


The Black Widow Tetra is difficult to breed as it is hard to tell the difference between the sexes. They are an egg layer and have no special requirements. If breeding is your goal with these pretty little fish I'd recommend purchasing a community of at least six and after a period of time, you will notice the female becoming very plump. She will be full with eggs. Remove her and the slimmer male to a small, bare bottom tank with a few artificial plants at the back. Leave them overnight and by morning you should have a tank littered with hundreds of tiny sticky eggs. Remove the parents and let the eggs develop. Eggs should hatch within 24 to 36 hours. Fry will be tiny and will spend the first 2 to 3 days consuming theit yolk sacs. It is then time to start feeding freshly hatched Brime Shrimp. Growth is fairly fast.

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