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Cheni Loach

Cheni Loach

Quick Stats

Size About 2.5" (6cm)
Tank 100 litres +
Swimming Area Bottom
Ph 6.5 to 7.5
Temperature 72ºF to 76ºF (22-24°C)
Food Flakes, Brine Shrimp and Algae based foods

Common Name:

Cheni Loach, Hill Stream Loach.




Not a striking fish the body is basically brown with an interesting molted pattern. The Dorsal fin is often fringed with a bright red edge.


3 + years.


10% weekly water changes. The most important aspect of keeping the Cheni is water quality. The aquarium must have fast flowing water from one side to the other This not only serves to keep the fish active but keeps up the oxygen levels they need. The temperature needed by these fish is not really tropical and if you try to keep the water warmer its ability to absorb oxygen will be reduced and the fish will suffer. Hillstreams are not schoolers but will tolerate others of the same species.


Mainly algae grazers, but will accept most foods.


The substrate should be small rounded pebbles. e.g. Pea Gravel.

Tank Decor:

Driftwood and larger stones should be placed in areas directly in the water flow but not enough to hinder it. Plants may be added in the sheltered areas where the current will naturally be less. Bright light is needed to promote a nice growth of algae on the rocks and wood.


Good filtration and surface aggitation is required to oxygenate the water.


Algae covered wood and stones in fast flowing clear streams of southern China.


Cheni have been bred by quite a few people. Their courtship consists of the male dancing around the female, fluttering his fins. He digs a spawning pit under the edge of a rock with his tail. The fish spawn, then bury the eggs. Babies hatch and are quite big when they first appear above the gravel.The babies are quite slow growing.

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