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Red Claw Crab

Red Claw Crab

Quick Stats

Size Leg span up to 4" (10cm)
Tank 40 litres +
Swimming Area Bottom. Also needs land access.
Ph 7.5 to 8.5
Temperature 75ºF to 80ºF (24-27°C)
Food Flakes, pellets, veggies and fish

Common Name:

Red Claw Crab, Thai Crab.


Mangroves and Mudflats of South China Sea From Hong Kong to Singapore.


Dull red with brown patterns and bright red claws.


3 to 4 Years.


10 to 20% weekly water changes. Best kept in brackish conditions with land access. The addition of Marine Salt in the amount of 2 tbs/gal or a Specific Gravity of 1.005 is sufficient. The use of Marine Grade Salt will help to provide trace minerals needed for proper development. As the crab grows it must shed its exoskeleton. The new shell is soft and the crab will hide for a few days until this hardens. The use of a sand or soil substrate will allow for more natural feeding habits as well as facilitate burrowing.


Red Claw Crabs are Omnivorous and enjoy brine shrimp, bloodworms, peas, beans, spinach and raw fish. They will also eat commercial flake foods and crab pellets as well as bits of driftwood and aquarium plants. They will eat live fish so they are not an good idea for a community tank.


The use of a sand or soil substrate will allow for more natural feeding habits as well as facilitate burrowing.

Tank Decor:

Similar to turtle set-ups with a low water level and a land area. Driftwood is beneficial also.


Small filters that are suitable for low water level conditions.


Mangrove swamp or Mud Flats in brackish (semi-saltwater) conditions. Generally tidal coastline or river mouth conditions.


Special breeding requirements will not likely be met in the home aquarium. Larva of The Red Claw Crab live for a time as Plankton in the water column.

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