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Glowlight Tetra

Glowlight Tetra

Quick Stats

Size Up to 1.5" (4cm)
Tank 60 Litres
Swimming Area All
Ph 6.0 to 7.5
Temperature 72ºF to 82ºF (24 - 29°C)
Food Flaked, live or frozen

Common Name:

Glowlight Tetra.


Northeastern South America, Guyana.


Overall a very pleasing species to look at. The anal, ventral and dorsal fins are slightly off white to translucent in coloration, in addition the front of the dorsal fin is marked by a bright red stripe. This color is repeated on the top section of the eye. The basic body color is pale translucent olive green color. There is a shimmering purple to red stripe starting at the base of the tail fin extending to the mouth area. Under certain light you can see an additional golden stripe on top of the red.


Up to 5 years.


10 to 20% weekly. They like to be kept in groups of 6 or more.


These little guys can thrive on most commercial foods such as flakes and freeze dried bloodworm.


Not critical as long as its dark to bring out the beautiful colours.

Tank Decor:

The tank can be small and decorated with live plants and some driftwood.


Standard filtration for the size of the tank.


Essequibo River, in Guyana.


Difficult. Use a heavily planted tank (fine leafed like Myriophyllium) and reduced light levels. The water should be soft and slightly acidic. Place well conditioned fish in the tank and raise the temperature to about 82°F. The female is usually larger than the male and her girth must be noticeable rounded to show she is ready. The small and almost transparent eggs are scattered among the plants. The parents are egg eaters and should be removed after spawning. The fry will hatch in about 24 hours and are free swimming in about four days. They should be fed baby brine shrimp or crushed flake food. It is important to change about 25% the water frequently, at least once a week.

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