Green Terror

Quick Stats
Size | 13" (33cm) |
Tank | 80 litres + |
Swimming Area | All |
Ph | 6.5 to 7.5 |
Temperature | 72ºF to 82ºF(20-24°C) |
Food | Flaked, live and frozen foods |
Common Name:
Green Terror.
South America, Ecuador and Peru.
The Males are the lookers in this Species. The basic body colour is a bright greenish white. The tail of the male terror is beautiful, reticulated and fringed in bright Red. The female is a rather drab Olive Green in colour and lacks the metallic look of the male. On some the the chin area is blue green in colour.
10 years +
10 to 20% weekly water changes. No special requirements when young. May have to be housed with larger fish as adults as they are an aggressive fish.
They are omnivorous and will accept all types of food and relish anything live.
Tank Decor:
The tank should be large and have plenty of caves and nooks to hide in. driftwood, rockwork and Live plants although helpful may be uprooted.
Provide good filtration and do frequent water changes.
Like the Blue Acara they are found in still and sluggish waters of the local river basins.
The best way for a planned spawn is to raise a group of unrelated juveniles to sexual maturity (about 3") and allow them to pair off. The most robust pair should be chosen for breeding and other pairs should be removed. This fish breeds in the typical Aequidens fashion, They will find a site in open water and usually spawn on a flat stone. Other Cichlids tend to hide their nest in caves, but The Green terror does not . The water parameters are not critical. It is easily spawned in hard or soft water and high or low pH. They exhibit extremely good parental care and spawns of up to 400 are not uncommon. The female will take the dominant role in raising the fry. The fry can be raised on baby brine shrimp or fine flake food.