
Quick Stats
Size | Up to 4" (10cm) |
Tank | 60 litres + |
Swimming Area | Bottom, middle |
Ph | 5.0 to 7.0 |
Temperature | 73ºF to 86ºF(23-30°C) |
Food | Flaked, live and frozen foods |
Common Name:
Butterfly Cichlid or "ram".
The Western tributaries of the central Orinoco River.
The Ram is one of the most colorful Cichlids. The body and fins are a pastel blue-red to pink with the sides showing a rainbow of colors depending on the light. There is a dark almost black spot under the Dorsal fin. A curved dark band runs from the nape, through the eye to the throat area. The coloration of these fish varies and there are several different color forms available.
Up to 4 years.
20 to 30% weekly water changes. The Rams are very intolerant of poor water conditions and the quality must remain high. They also do not take to medications well, so the use of them should be limited. They only live about three years. The rams are a timid fish and should not be kept with others that are aggressive or overly busy, good tankmates would be smaller Tetras and Rasboras. Rams can be hard to aclimatize to your water conditions. The best way to aclimatize them is to add some of your tank water to the bag every 15 minutes for an hour before letting them go. This should give them time to get used to your water and give them a better chance of surviving.
They will accept all types of food and relish anything live.
Tank Decor:
The Rams should have a large well planted tank with plenty of caves, driftwood and other hiding places. If the fish is not happy in its surroundings it will just lurk in a corner and be very pale. The water should be soft, slightly acidic and the temperature in the range of 73 to 77 degrees.
Good Filtration.
Slow moving regions of the Orinoco river.
If optimum conditions are kept the Ram is easily breed. The water temperature should be raised to about 80 degrees. They usually lay their eggs in caves or rocks. Both the male and female share brood protection. The eggs will hatch in about 48 hours, then the young will be moved to a shallow pit in the substrate. After four or five days they are free swimming and herded together in a group and looked after by the male. Each brood can contain as many as 150 to 200 young. The fry should be feed live or frozen brine shrimp nauplii.