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Tinfoil Barb

Tinfoil Barb

Quick Stats

Size Up to 14" (36cm)
Tank 200 litres +
Swimming Area Middle
Ph 6.4 to 7.6
Temperature 72ºF to 82ºF (22-28°C)
Food Flakes and frozen foods as well as live.

Common Name:

Tinfoil Barb, Red Tinfoil Barb.


Asian rivers of Thailand, Borneo and Sumatra.


Predominatedly silver with red fins in some species.


Up to 18 years.


10 to 20% weekly water change. Not suitable for most aquarists. Needs a very large tank and should be kept in schools which can be very impressive at full size.


Feeding is not a problem as they will accept all types of food including flake and frozen. They are voracious eaters.


Sandy material.

Tank Decor:

The tank should be very large with plastic plats only as they will eat live plants. Plenty of open swimming areas should be provided as they are a very active fish, constantly on the move.


Good filtration is required as they are heavy feeders and therefore produce lots of waste. A good current is also recommended.


Asian rivers.


No known method in aquariums due to size.

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