Zebra Obliquidens

Quick Stats
Size | Up to 5" (13 cm) |
Tank | 180 litres + for a small group |
Swimming Area | All |
Ph | 7.2 to 8.6 |
Temperature | 76ºF to 82ºF (24-28°C) |
Food | Flake, live and pellets |
Common Name:
Zebra Obliquidens
Africa, Lake Kyoga and Lake Nawampasa.
A beautiful species which is "critically endangered" in the wild. Males develop a "red" colored belly.
10 + years.
10 to 20% weekly. This species is best kept in small groups. With a ratio of 1 male to 2 females (at least 6 fish in the group). They are not overly aggressive and can be easily housed with many of the smaller mbuna and Auloncara from Lake Malawi.
In the wild, it is primarily insectivore but the diet occasionally includes the fins and scales of other cichlids (but has not been observed in the aquarium). Supplement their diet with mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, cyclops, and or daphnia.
Sand substrate.
Tank Decor:
The aquarium should try to mimic the natural rubble zone where they live. This includes extensive rockwork with caves and other hiding places that kind of divide the tank into different territories. Although plants are usually left alone by this species its tankmates will constantly dig them up. If kept in a species tank try to use hardier specimens like Vallisneria and Java fern.
Water should be well filtered with a good current.
Rocky regions of Lake Kyoga and Lake Nawampasa free of sediment.
Prolific maternal mouthbrooders. Breeding is relatively easy with the correct water parameters and around a 1 to 4 male/female ratio.