DJ Mix - Tracks


Jon supporting the Surgeon @ Electricity Aug 2005Jon grew up in Dublin where he first got into the new emerging house/techno sound around ’88 ’89. His first venture into dance music was visiting Sides and later the Mansion house in Dublin. About this time early house, acidhouse & techno was been played & he became hooked on this strange and emotive sound. In the area were he lived many of his friends were also listening to these sounds and it “really seemed like we were part of something future! and amazing”. He began to organize after parties returning from Sides meeting new people and feeling like the future was drawing this sound to now - for all the people that were locked on to what was happening! Around this time he began to search for the records with those alien qualities to listen and understand the energy behind them. In 1990 Jon moved to London and was exposed to the immensity of what was exploding with techno & house “my head was blown from parties to clubs to pirate radio were you would switch on the radio & with every miniscule movement of the tuner bang you were bombarded with techno/house/rave & breaks it was seriously exciting and felt like the electronic mayhem was taking over literally” It was here he decided that he wanted to pass this sound on to as many people as possible and be a part of channeling it to them and decided that he would learn how to DJ.
In 1991 back in Dublin he continued to buy records and by ’92 started to play in small house parties and by ’93 started a club with some friends called Planet Dub @ Columbia mills in Dublin and The Clarence in Sligo. Both clubs ran for about a year and began by playing Tribal Techno in their main rooms & Ambient soundscapes in the chillout rooms which worked great for the time “we had some amazing & memorable nights which inspired me to continue & promote other club nights over the years” Some of his most memorable were Awe in Fibber Magees in Dublin ’95, 5-HT in Navan ’95, Ascencion in Galway ’96/97, Pulsar in Sligo ’97 – ’99 & most recently Atomsoul one offs around Ireland.

Throughout this time I also played in many clubs such as:
Planet Dub - Waterfront, Dublin
Fusion - 13th floor, Dublin
Genius - Kitchen, Dublin
Eyecue - Pod, Dublin
Technocracy - Ormond multi-media center, Dublin
Genesis - Parnell Mooney, Dublin
GDMF - Black Box, Galway
Funktional - Fraziers, Dublin
Automatik - Temple bar music center, Dublin
Pre-Amp - Temple bar music center, Dublin
Atomsoul - Fraziers, Dublin, The Globe, Limerick + Sligo
Electricity - Metropolitan + Traffic, Dublin
Sugar Club - Eklectra, Dublin
Boomerang - (Techno festival) Bratislava, Slovakia
Sequential - Nitra, Slovakia
Outside - Malacky, Slovakia
Adrenalin - Bratislava, Slovakia
Duna - Slovakia Sequential
Loop Bar - Soho, London

These nights been some of the highlights but Boomerang (2001) in Bratislava playing with Toky (Rumenige) & Dalo (Olga & Joseph) for pure inspiration and recently playing with DJ Boss & Rumenige also in Slovakia was fantastic for Jon. Also qualifying for the Red Bull Music Academy ’99 in Berlin were he spent 2 weeks with many DJs Producers & like minded people are top of his list by far – so far!

Jon has also got to support some of his favourite artists like The Surgeon, Inigo Kennedy, Steve Bicknell, Loktibrada, Rumenige & DJ Boss in recent years which has helped to keep him inspired in the harder realms of Techno.

The Vaults -- Supporting Jamie Bissimire Over the years Jon has also helped set up, teach on and run various DJ techniques courses around the city to pass on his knowledge & love for DJing & Techno which is his Predominant style.

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