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         James McD's Page


Click on the link below to see a Puzzle page by James when he was in 5th class.
Puzzles by James
Click on the link below to see Halloween poems by James when he was in 5th class.
Halloween poems

This is a poem by James when he was in 4th class

Little Donkey little Donkey

You carried Mary to Bethlehem

Little donkey, little donkey

On a windy night.

In the stable,

You kept the baby warm

On a cold Winter’s night

In Bethlehem.

This is a story by James when he was in 4th class

Jesus calms the  storm.

Jesus and his disciples were on the boat at sea one night when a violent storm blew up. Giant waves beat against the boat so badly that the disciples feared for their lives. They woke Jesus who was sleeping .He rose and went to the top of the boat and with outstretched arms, commanded the winds and water to be still. There was a great calm. Turning to the disciples, he asked, "Why were you afraid? Are you still without faith?"

The disciples marvelled at this saying, "Even the winds and waves obey him.