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         John's Page

My Memories of Kilkenny NS
Junior Infants There was eight in our class.
Senior Infants My best friend was Joe.
First Class On the sports day I won a lot of medals.
Second Class We started to learn to swim.
Third Class We went to Dublin to the wax museum. 
Fourth Class Our school was getting refurbished.
Fifth Class Mary Coughlan opened the new part of the school.
Sixth Class We are going to Dublin again and we are going to the zoo.

This is a poem by John when he was in 6th class.

S ummer brings long hot days and short warm night.
U can go for a cycle or go to the beach.
M ay is the holy month of Mary.
M idges are swarming about and chewing at your skin.
E njoy the sunny, hazy, lazy days of summer.
R oses blooming in coloured gardens all over the land.