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         Bible Stories

This story is by Kieran McD

Jesus calms the storm

Jesus and his disciples had spent a tiring day teaching the crowds by the Sea of Galilee. When the evening came and it was time to leave, Jesus said, let’s go over to the other side of the lake, and so they all got into a small fishing boat. Jesus was tired so he lay down on a disciple. Then they set sail on the calm water, he fell fast asleep. 

Soon a violent wind blew up across the lake, making the waves toss the boat furiously. The water crashed into the boat and lapped around the disciple’s ankles, threatening to sink them. Although they often fished on the lake, the disciples were terrified and woke Jesus up. Teacher, look at the storm don’t you care that we’re all about to drown. But Jesus was not afraid. Be quiet and still he ordered. 

Immediately the wind died down and the lake became calm once more. He turned to his companions and asked, why were you so frightened. After everything you’ve heard me say, do you still have no faith that God will look after you. The disciples looked at each other in complete astonishment. "What kind of man is this, who commands even the wind and the waves and they obey him?"

This story is by Michelle

The Last Supper

On the day before the Passover Jesus and the disciples met in the house of Mark. They had their last supper together. Jesus took the bread, blessed it, gave it to his disciples and said, "Eat this, this is my body, do this in remembrance of me" and then he picked up the wine, blessed it, and said, "Drink this, this is my blood, do this in remembrance of me". Jesus knew he would be betrayed and by whom. He looked at Judas, who left without sharing the supper.

This story is by Sarah

The woman at the well

One day Jesus was travelling from Judea to Galilee. It was very hot and he was very thirsty. He sat down beside a well. He badly needed a drink but he had no bucket. Then a Samaritan woman came to the well to draw water. She saw a man sitting by the well. She knew he was a Jew. As she came nearer, Jesus said, "When you draw your water from the well may I have a drink?"

"What!" she exclaimed, "You, a Jew, ask me, a Samaritan, for a drink."

"If  you knew who I was, the water I give, is not from this well. It is the water of God's love in your heart."

 She ran down the town to tell her friends."I met a man," she said, "Who showed me how to drink the life-giving water of God's love."