Diarmuid agus Grainne - Projects 2003


In 2003 we attempted to use technology creatively to illustrate two scenes from the Irish legend, Diarmuid agus Grainne.

The first scene we created using Lego Mindstorms materials, to show Diarmuid escaping from a stockade which is surrounded by Fionn and his Fianna warriors.

See Word Documents written by the pupils telling the story:
Diarmuid and Grainne, Part 1
Diarmuid and Grainne, Part 2
Diarmuid and Grainne, Part 3

Also Word Documents describing the work we did with the Lego materials:
Escape From the Stockade
Plan of the Project - Lego

See a Quicktime Movie of the project 5mB approx.



Claymation Project

The second scene is an animation using plasticine models, and shows the scene where Oisin plays a game of chess against his father Fionn in the forest.

See Word Documents by the pupils telling the story:
The Game of Chess

Also Word Documents describing the work we did with the Lego materials:
Plan of the Project - Claymations

See a Quicktime Movie of this scene 7mB approx.


This story is from Celtic Times, and some of the pupils have studied the Celts.

See examples of their work:
The Celts 1
The Celts 2
Celtic Myth and Legend - The Fianna
Celtic Myth and Legend - Cuchulainn