3rd December: Today we did Maths and Irish. In Math's we did all sorts of sums and in Irish we did our work book and reading. At break time we had to stay in because it was raining.

4th December: Today we started off as normal. At break time we played soccer we got a long break. We enjoyed ourselves. Tomorrow we have hurling coaching.

5th December: Today we had coaching. It was fun. After break Fr. McGrath was talking to us about making an Art project to display in the church.When Fr.Mcgrath went we did experiment on Ariel and Persil tablets to see which one would desolve faster.

7th December: Today the play started in Cloneen.Three boys in our class were excited because they were in the play, 'Oliver'.

10th December: Today we did Art for Christmas.We made Christmas cards out of old Christmas cards. We started doing the project for Fr.McGrath.We decided to make a display of the Four Seasons, showing children playing in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

11th December: Today we were in Mrs.Brett's room because Mr. Doyle and four pupils were gone off to a school in Freshford to look at Lego.They are finding out about a new sensor. Eoin Egan, Darren Gayson, Niamh Maher and Ian Healy went. Tomorrow is coaching.

12th December:Today a man came to our school to present us with our plaque and television because we won a Road Saftey competition sponsored by Centra supermarkets.. We had to make a film about road saftey. We have Thursday and Friday off because the teachers are going on a course.

17th December: Today we came back after our long break. Today we started Fr. McGrath's pictures for the church.

!8th December: Today we did more of Fr.McGrath's artwork and we managed to finish it. Three new boys came to our school. Jack Dorban is the name of the boy in third class and there is one in Senior Infants and one in Second Class.

19th December: Today Sean, Niall, Natalie and me went with Mr.Doyle to the church to put up the picture for Fr.McGrath.Then we got confession and sang carols. It was great fun.

a section of our wall-hanging for the church, showing Autumn and Winter.

20th December: Today we finished off our work for the year.We are getting our holidays tomorrow .

21st December:Today we are getting our holidays.We are getting a half day. We are having a girls against boys match in soccer.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!