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Have a look at some of the projects in which we have been involved. When you are finished, come back to this page and click on the school picture (left) to go back to our current website.

Diarmuid agus Grainne Project 2003 - Control Technology and Claymations

'Little Red Hen' and 'Cinderella' pictures

Tipp hurling team visit Kilvemnon!!

Kilvemnon pupils star in hit musical

Pupils produce fabulous Wall-hanging for church.

Write A Book Projects 2002





Control Technology Projects 2001

Control Technology Project 2002

Control Technology Projects 2003

Write A Book 2001

Charles Kickham Project

Our School is situated in the rural parish of Mullinahone, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. It is a two teacher school with just thirty-two pupils.
The two classroom teachers are Mrs. Teckie Brett (Principal) and Mr. Conor Doyle. A Learning Support Teacher, Ms. Clare Halpin visits us on two half days each week, and a Resource teacher Mrs. Linda Adair visits three days per week.
We also have a part time secretary, cum caretaker Josephine O Connell.

The Sliabh na mBan mountain and the Carraigmoclear Hill overlook the school. Further information on the Mullinahone/Kilvemnon area can be found in a school project on the Kilvemnon page.

We aim to provide as wide a curriculum as possible to our pupils, including subjects such as Maths, English, Irish, History, Geography, Science, Environmental Studies, P.E., Music, Art, Drama, Irish Dancing. The children are also given time to work on the school garden, where a variety of vegetables, shrubs and trees are grown. Please See Link to School Info. for details of how our pupils spend their school day.

This year 2000-2001 we are participating in a Design/IT project using Lego materials and computer programming to design, build and control robots.
We have also taken part in the National Write-A-Book Project this year.
Check out our Senior Projects page during the year (2000-2001) for written descriptions as well as photographs of these projects.

We hope to keep an updated diary of what is happening in the school and in the Parish (through the eyes of our pupils) with daily/weekly bulletins in the Local News

We would love to hear your comments, or queries about our school, or our area of Tipperary. e-mail us at: