View of the Community

My view of our community.

I am not very clear on the people of our community in the past. But I am sure they lived a hard but happy life. They had to work very hard to get water from wells streams or rivers because they didn’t have the luxuries that we have today. Their houses or huts if you prefer were very small with a thatched roof. The animals were very important because they were their source of food along with the potatoes. We know for a fact that during the famine the number in Kinnitty Parish decreased during the famine but after the number did increase slowly. You may ask yourself how did they live without televisions, radios, computers and dvds but the thing is that they didn’t know about technology and they were happy with their lives despite the hardship and problems they had to face. But no matter how big the problem they would face it together. Kinnitty village may be small but it is beautiful in it’s own way. It is a small picturesque village situated at the foot of the Slieve Bloom Mtns. There are two churches, one Catholic and one Church Of Ireland, a drapery, a hair salon, a few sweet shops and two pubs. There is also a beautiful castle.

Kinnitty has a good reputation for hurling and camogie. Both teams are main contenders in the leagues in which they take part. Both the hurling and camoige teams contribute to the county teams.
Kinnitty takes part in projects like
the Tidy Towns. I think it is the younger generation that brings Kinnitty alive, and makes it what it is. Kinnitty is a nice quiet tranquil place. The people are friendly and helpful. Kinnitty Castle has provided employment to the teenagers of the parish. Now, I come to the older people of our community.  They are always there for you and can give you helpful advice. They hold the community together and hopefully when our generation reach their age we will have people saying the same about us.

I don't know will I always be in Kinnitty but if I leave, I will take some good memories of my friends and neighbours with me. If I came back to Kinnitty in thirty years time, hopefully nothing much will have changed because I like Kinnitty the way it is. But if changes are made I hope that they will be good for the community. I think we should protect our past because it is important. The ringforts and the motte and bailey are signs of past civilisations and we should make sure we maintain them properly, so that the next people in Kinnitty can see them.

(A present pupil’s view)

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