2003 |
Characteristics of the Informatics' Clones |
Metrics for the Structure of Informatics System |
A Metric for Auto-parallelisation Feasibility of Programs |
2001 |
Automatic Map Labelling System using Genetic Algorithms, IE 2001 Economic Informatics Symposium, Bucharest, Romania |
2000 |
Co-Speaker with Dr. Conor Ryan in the tutorial entitled "Automatic Parallelisation using Genetic Programming" - GECCO, Las Vegas USA |
1999 |
Evolution of Equivalent Parallel Programs: Sequences and Iterative Instructions, Late Breaking Papers, GECCO, Orlando USA |
Evolving Equivalent Parallel Programs: Sequences and Iterative Instructions, Conference, PDPTA, Las Vegas USA |
Evolving Equivalent Parallel Programs: Sequences and Iterative Instructions, Poster Session, PDPTA, Las Vegas USA |
Evolving Equivalent Parallel Programs: Sequences and Iterative Instructions, Conference, SCASE '99, Limerick IRELAND |
Automatic Discovery of Program Transformations for Parallelisation, Late Breaking Papers (and Poster session), EuroGP, Gothenburg SWEDEN |
Evolving Equivalent Parallel Programs, IE'99 Economic Informatics Symposium, Bucharest ROMANIA |
Automatic Parallelisation of Sequential Programs using Genetic Programming, Conference, AROB, Oita JAPAN |
1998 |
Automatic Parallelisation of Loops in Sequential Programs using Genetic Programming, Poster session, GP'98, Madison USA |
Automatic Parallelisation of Loops in Sequential Programs using Genetic Programming, Conference, GP'98, Madison USA |
Automatic Parallelisation of Loops in Sequential Programs using Genetic Programming, Graduate Student Workshop, GP'98, Madison USA |
Automatic Discovery of Program Transformations for Parallelization, Conference, PDPTA, Las Vegas USA |
Automatic Discovery of Loop Transformations for Autoparallelisation, Late Breaking Papers, EuroGP, Paris FRANCE |
1997 |
Assembly Language Puzzlebook, Edited by the Academy of Economic Studies Press (Bucharest), ROMANIA |
Re-Engineering prin descoperirea automata a transformarilor aplicabile pentru paralelizare, Revista de Informatica Economica (Economic Informatics Journal), in romanian, Bucharest ROMANIA |
Image Compression using Genetic Algorithms, IE'97 Economic Informatics Symposium, Bucharest ROMANIA |