Paragen is a parallelising compiler. It harnesses the power of evolutionary algorithms in order to convert a sequential program into a functionally equivalent parallel one. It uses directed data dependency to produce provable parallel programs. Instead of evolving programs, it evolves combinations of transformations which, in turn, are applied to parts of the code. This way, the number of data dependency checks is greatly reduced.
One of the rather unpleasant problems in Linux I find to be the complexity involved in wireless setup. In particular, having tried several distributions, I find rather annoying the fact that one has to change profiles in order to "activate" different wireless setups. Sometimes, this is unavoidable as the wireless drivers are not mature enough to implement all features (like scanning for available access points). However, they are continuously improved and subsequently one should take advantage of this. Upon booting (and intialisation) a scan should be performed (if available) and the appropriate configuration should be loaded. If scanning is not avialable, either the default config should be provided (a la SuSE's configuration profiles) or a quick menu with available configurations (and a timeout (think RedHat's kudzu) so the user can select the desired configuration.
KDE is an interesting enviroment for UNIX machines (X11). Its main feature I think is the effort put into usability. I write small portions of code to create mainly visual improvements to KDE and I'm glad if they are integrated in the development branch (and later in mainstream). My fame to date is the shadow behind the desktop text beneath icons. Although it can be created by simply duplicating the text, my algorithm (and configuration) is designed to be able to emulate various known shadows (like win XP and mac OSX).