Page revised 1 October 2001




There was a good deal of British investment in South American railways, Argentina's railways being mainly built and financed by the British. The San Paulo Railway Co. of Brazil was actually incorporated in and directed from Great Britain, and was the most profitable British-owned railway company.


The line of the Jersey Railway Company from St Helier to St Aubin was opened to the public in 1870. By 1933 it had been reduced to a summer concern, and it closed in 1936 after all the company's carriages were destroyed by fire.


The Great Northern Railway Co. of Ireland was formed in 1876 from the merger of several existing railways. It operated primarily between Belfast, Dublin and Londonderry.

The Great Southern & Western was founded in 1846 and disappeared in a merger in 1924.

The first portion of the Belfast and County Down Railway along the shoreline of Belfast Lough was opened on 2nd August 1848 and ran as far as Hollywood. It subsequently had 80 miles of track in county Down, mainly serving holiday resorts.


The Canadian Pacific Railway was established to build a transcontinental railway on which work commenced in 1881. The main line from the Pacific to Montreal was completed in 1885. The heading illustrated here is actually that of their shipping line, for which clarification I am grateful to John Atkin, a correspondent from Vancouver. The Senator was one of the famous American trains.


The East Indian Railway Co., represented here by the crest of a club at Lillooah, was founded in 1845. The Great Indian Peninsular Railway was incorporated in 1849 and opened its first stretch of track, between Bombay and Thane, in 1853. The Madras Railway Co. opened the first line in the south of the country in 1856. The right hand crest is thought to be of the Indian Railway Conference Association, a regulatory body.

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