An integral part of education in Loreto is that students be prepared to take their place in adult life. One essential aspect of this preparation for life is the development of mature Christian attitudes to themselves, to other people, and to the environment.

Good discipline in school helps to create an atmosphere where each student feels secure and is taught to accept responsibility for her actions. Discipline is not mere external order. it is rather a sense of personal responsibility for oneself, for others, and for the environment.

To help create that kind of inner discipline, the following code of behaviour is expected of all students.

There are three basic elements to good behaviour:

  1. Self-respect.
  2. Respect for Others
  3. Respect for the Environment.
  1. Self-respect means that:

    1. I develop my talents to the best of my ability: I am attentive in class, and conscientious about my studies.
    2. I am punctual, courteous and honest.
    3. I care for my health: I wear full uniform during the school day and maintain a high standard of hygiene.
    4. I develop a sense of personal responsibility: I realise that in breaking School Rules I face a sanction which is the consequence of my behaviour.

  2. Respect for others means that:

    1. I am friendly and kind to others: I am willing to help another student with her studies or encourage her to get involved in games and other useful activities.
    2. I treat others as I would like them to treat me.
    3. I recognise and appreciate the special role of the adults in the school community: I greet them on the corridor, and allow them through a doorway before me.
    4. I avoid causing unnecessary work for those who care for the school.
    5. I realise that any unnecessary disruption on my part prevents others working and concentrating: I have to be particularly careful that I am not seeking unnecessary attention.
    6. I avoid any activity that may endanger the safety or well being of others.
    7. I leave areas such as toilets, showers, wash basins clean and ready for others to use.
    8. I explain absences from school with a letter from my parents/guardians to my Year Head.

  3. Respect for the environment means that:

    1. I take pride in keeping the school clean, tidy, and free of litter and graffiti. I do not use chewing gum.
    2. I place my chair on the table at the end of the school day to facilitate the cleaning of the classroom.
    3. I realise that bad language is offensive to other people.
    4. I show care, not just for the school, but also for the means of transport I use to and from school.
    5. I am courteous and mannerly in the shops, and on the street.

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