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! Pilates Beginners !
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March 06
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1 Pilates April 06
New Thu morning class
2 Pilates Beg. Workshop
Sat 22.04 & 06.05
3 "Pure Pilates"
Book Review
4 The Gymstick
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- 1. Pilates New Classes (started & ongoing) click here
Pilates in a brand new venue off Grafton Street in Dublin’s city Centre
The Chatham studio opens it's doors!
- 2. The 8 Pilates Prinicples click here
- 3. Massage - What are the benefits?
click here
- 4. Book review: Challenge yourself with "Fitness on the ball - Basics" click here
- 5. Competition WIN A FREE 1-2-1 Pilates session click here
- 6. Links (new - Monkstown Physiotherapist and existing) click here
- 7. Benefit from NLP in your sport via volunteering for a
NLP Master Practitioner thesis project click here
- 8. Attend Intermediate level Pilates class for free click here
- 9. Venue for UCD Pilates COURSE NEEDED click here
- 10. Pilates venues in Stillorgan, Dundrum sought
attend a Pilates course for 1/2 price. click here
- 11. Else Inspirational Quotes - Food for thought Website section click here
1. Pilates New Classes (started & ongoing)
Pilates in a brand new venue off Grafton Street
in Dublin’s city Centre
The Chatham studio opens it's doors!
- In the coming weeks I will start teaching Pilates classes in this brand new, purpose build studio in the centre of Dublin, just off Grafton Street. It can’t be more convenient, beside the LUAS and various bus routes. A venue which is worth while experiencing.
Monday 7.30pm-8.30pm Beginners Level 1
Starting 7th of November
Benildus Health & Fitness Club, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin
Tuesday 7.30am-8.15am Beginners Level 1
Tuesday 8.30am-9.15am Beginners Level 1
Starting 8th of November
Chatham Studio off Grafton Street Dublin
Tuesday 12am-1pm Beginners Level 1 and 2
Starting 8th of November
Holistic Sourcing Centre Camden Street, Dublin 2
Wednesday 7.30pm-8.30pm Beginners Level 1
Wednesday 8.30pm-9.30pm Mixed Levels 1 & 2
Starting 2nd of November
Benildus Health & Fitness Club, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin
Friday 12am-1pm Beginners Level 1
Friday 1pm-2pm Beginners Level 2
Start depends on demand
Holistic Sourcing Centre Camden Street, Dublin 2
Friday 5pm-6pm Beginners Level 1 Start depends on demand
Chatham Studio off Grafton Street Dublin
See maps of venues at www.fitnecise.com
If you know of any suitable venue or you want to organise a Pilates class
in your office, local community hall please let me know and we see if
something can be ranged.
2. The 8 Pilates Principles
by Martin Luschin
- 2.1 Concentration:
With other exercise techniques you can switch off. With Pilates based exercises every
movement is a thought process and controlled by thought. Pilates is sometimes referred to as the “thinking way of movement”.
2.2 Breathing:
It is a basic part of Pilates and probably the last one that falls into place. The main guidelines are to breathe out on the greatest effort, and to keep your TVA (transvers abdominal muscle) muscles slightly engaged throughout every movement.
2.3 Centering:
Here your centre (various abdominal muscles) acts as your “Power House”. Every exercise is controlled by the contraction of these abdominal muscles. Your body parts work like a sports team and not individually – they work together to achieve optimal performance.
2.4 Control:
Working against gravity, strengthen the body. The slower the movements the greater the
strength gain.
2.5 Precision:
Ideally the movements are performed in an exact position, finding this position gets easier as
you develop a routine and your technique improves.
2.6 Flowing Movements:
Pilates moves are continuous and flowing movements, you never stop throughout the movement.
The ambition is to keep the same speed while performing the exercises.
2.7 Isolation:
Each person is challenged in a different way by the various Pilates exercises, as we all have
different strengths, weaknesses and bodies. Through the Pilates techniques you get to know the
structure of your bodies, muscle groups and learn how to control them, isolate them.
2.8 Routine:
Repeating something over and over again inceases the skill level. But, keep in
mind that only “Perfect training makes perfect”.
Therefore the “Quality before Quantity principle” applies here.
Pilates is NOT meant to replace other exercise routines you follow. It is an addition to strengthen your body for these other exercise routines and everyday activities.
3. Massage - What are the benefits?
by Geraldine Dunne
- The sense of touch is a powerful and highly sensitive form of communication, our natural healing instinct prompts us to comfort one another by touching, holding, stroking and hugging – yet touch is the most neglected of the human senses.
Fortunately the healing power of massage has been rediscovered in recent years having lost popularity in the 19th century. Earliest records of massage date back as far as 3000BC in China, and it was well documented as being prescribed by Greek and Roman physicians not alone for its curative powers but as a daily relaxation ritual – among its many fans was Julius Caesar! Swedish massage as we know it today was introduced to Europe by Per Henrik Ling (1776-1889) a Swede who studied healing massage in China and developed his own system of massage strokes to include pressure, friction, rotation and vibration.
Massage promotes a feeling of wellbeing and can benefit body mind and spirit in a multitude of ways. Depending on the client’s requirements a massage treatment can be tailored to stimulate or relax. A stressed person for example, can benefit from relaxation of tense and tired muscles, a reduction in anxiety as the nervous system is soothed, the circulation and lymphatic systems are stimulated, encouraging the removal of wastes and the delivery of fresh supplies of oxygen and nutrients. Deeper relaxation means the immune and respiratory systems are boosted, allowing more oxygen to be inhaled into the body and triggering the body’s own healing powers.
Many sports people find massage useful to improve muscle tone, restore mobility and aid elimination of waste products. With regular massage, sprains and strains heal faster while calf cramps and stiff muscles are eliminated. Massage before sport warms up and loosens muscles while afterwards it will ease sore aching limbs.
Also becoming popular in today’s hectic world is the Indian Head Massage or seated massage which can be carried out virtually anywhere with minimum disruption, requiring only a chair and the client remains fully clothed. In the West the technique has been developed to include upper back and shoulders, arms, neck, scalp and face. A variety of strokes is used to melt away tension, soothe frayed nerves, warm the skin and musculature and stimulate the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Like Holistic Massage, Indian Head Massage can also be tailored to relax or stimulate.
Geraldine Dunne is a Holistic Massage and Indian Head Massage Therapist.
For an appointment call (086) 8566464.
4. Book review: Challenge yourself with "Fitness on the ball - Basics"
by Lorna Lee Malcolm
- Lorna has worked for 20 years in the fitness industry, is the fitness director at the Reebok Sports club in London and is a Reebok Master Trainer.
Two years back I attended a Fitness Convention here in Dublin, where she gave various fitness and exercise classes that focused on body core strength, flexibility and mobility. Her energy and positive attitude is contagious and spread easily to all class participants.
Back to her book. She starts off by explaining “Why to use a ball?”, the ball’s various benefits e.g. improved posture & alignment, increased flexibility, body awareness and core strength. A short section explains what core strength is and how the core is stabilized.
The main section is split up into the following sections:
- Warm Up exercises to get you going
- Standing, seated exercise
- Supine (lying with your back on the ball) exercises
- On the floor using the ball(either facing the floor or lying on your back)
- Kneeling exercises
- Exercises lying on your side
Each exercise comes with lots of photographs that explain the exercises in detail, the benefits of each exercise are mentioned, along with additional tips and tricks
to make it easier to execute them - and all of them are categoried according to their level - either easy or moderate.
The book finishes with various exercise sequences for different objectives:
- overall body strength
- overall body flexibility
- core torso stabilization
- upper body
- lower body
I personally like this book very much and use it as a kind of reference when I design a swiss/gym ball routine for a client. With a wide selection of exercise it
is possible to target every major muscle in the body and there is still an alternative to make each move a bit more challenging.
A book I would definitely recommend to anybody who wants to get full use of the gym ball, who is looking for a basic selection of exercises and new ideas on how to use the gym ball more effectively.
So go on, wipe the dust off that gym ball on top of your wardrobe and get it working for you!
5. Competition WIN A FREE 1-2-1 Pilates session
- Win a free one-to-one Pilates training sessions in Stillorgan, south Dublin.
This includes covering the three basics of Pilates 1. The “neutral spine” position 2. “lateral breathing” 3. “A slight – 30% contraction of various abdominal muscles” and an introduction for several basic Pilates Exercises like “The Hundred, The Side Lift series and The Swan Dive …”
Here are the questions:
1. What is the name of the brand new studio off Grafton Street where Pilates and
other exercise classes are taking place?
2. Who wrote the book “Fitness on the ball – Basics” ?
The prize draw will take place on the 18th of December 2005. Entries must be sent via e-mail, subject "Pilates competition", before the above mentioned date.
6. Links (New and Existing):
New links:
Monkstown Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic
Sharon Kelly MISCP Chartered Physiotherapist
Monkstown, Co. Dublin
Tel.: 01-214-8031
Existing links:
Fitgrrrl's blog - Running to get fit. Getting fit to run.
Fitness Forum - Ask and answer questions related to health & fitness.
Haasen Translations - Translation & Review, English-Dutch • Dutch-English
Chiropractic Clinic in Stillorgan - South Dublin
Please suggest any relevant web sites that you feel would be worthwhile adding
to the existing link section or let me know if you want to do a link exchange
with your own website.
7. Benefit from NLP in your sport via volunteering
for a NLP Master Practitioner thesis project :
At the moment I'm looking for one volunteer with whom I will work together to write an NLP thesis. Ideally the person is actively involved in a competitive sport e.g. athletics, rugby, hurling, gaelic, tennis etc.
We would team up and apply various NLP techniques, tools over several weeks or months with the aim to improve your sport specific achievements, accomplishment.
The reason behind this is that I will be starting a course to be a NLP Master Practitioner, that's the next level on the NLP education ladder, at the end of November. The Master Practitioner will allow me to deepen the already existing NLP expertise and learn new highly effective tools. For the NLP Master Practitioner it is necessary to write a thesis.
If you know of anybody who might be interested please pass my contact details on.
8. Attend Intermediate level Pilates class for free:
Over the next few months I require the assistance of five people who attend my classes and who are interested in reaching a level where they can perform a good selection of intermediate level Pilates exercises. I am currently in the process of completing an Intermediate Level Pilates course and as part of the certification criteria, I am required to make a one hour Pilates video with 5 participants.
The class will be free for you. Please let me know if you might be interested in participating.
9. Venue for UCD Pilates COURSE NEEDED:
It was planned, to start a new six week Pilates course in UCD. Due to unforeseen circumstances the class can’t be held at the venue where it was planned to take place. Therefore I'm looking for a new venue within or close to the UCD campus.
If you have any idea where a Pilates course within UCD or close to the campus could take place please contact me at 086-17-367-20 or info@fitnecise.com.
10. Pilates venues in Stillorgan, Dundrum sought
attend a Pilates course for 1/2 price:
If you know of any suitable venue for a Pilates class in the area of Stillorgan, Dundrum, Ballinteer, Leopardstown, Blackrock, Mount Merrion, Rathfarnham please let me know.
If a course should go ahead in the suggested venue you can attend the course half price. This could either be a school or community hall, a gym.
11. Inspirational Quotes - Food for thought Website section:
Here you can find motivational and sometimes thought provoking quotes from famous and not so famous people from past and present. I just added a few new quotes, if you know a interesting quote please let me know.
One of my favourite ones is:
"Anything less than a conscious commitment to the important
is an unconscious commitment to the unimportant."
Possible venues for Personal Fitness Coaching.
Last time updated: 19/03/2006