Holistic Massage - Reike - Indian Head Massage

    Holistic Massage
    Indian Head Massage
      Now available in
     Click for more info!
Text Alerts

     Email or text
   mobile number
     for the latest
  with the SUBJECT
  e.g. "News 086..."
     to click here

 !  Pilates Beginners  !

     Sat 22.04 & 06.05
  1pm-5pm Click here!

  NEW Exciting Gymstick     Click for more info!
and arrange a FREE demo
Gymstick InfoGymstick Bicepscurl FITNECISE News Letter    March 06 click here
     1 Pilates April 06
        New Thu morning class
     2 Pilates Beg. Workshop
         Sat 22.04 & 06.05

     3 "Pure Pilates"
         Book Review

     4 The Gymstick
       An exciting
       NEW fitness tool
       click here
     5 Text and E-mail Alert
     6 Website link swap
     7 Gift Voucher
     8 Intermediate level Pilates

 Gift Voucher for
click here

    1. Pilates Courses
    2. Personal Fitness Trainng
    3. A Gymstick
    4. Pilates 1-2-1 sessions
    5. Diet & Nutrition advice
    6. NLP Sessions

    the healthy present !!!

  Body Fat & Body water
    measurementnow available
    with a Tanita weighing scale
  Buddy Training -
  Two to One Training

    team up with a friend,
    see personal training

Newsletter November 05

1. Pilates New Classes (started & ongoing)     
     Pilates in a brand new venue off Grafton Street
     in Dublin’s city Centre
     The Chatham studio opens it's doors!

2. The 8 Pilates Principles
     by Martin Luschin

3. Massage - What are the benefits?
     by Geraldine Dunne

4. Book review: Challenge yourself with "Fitness on the ball - Basics"
     by Lorna Lee Malcolm

5. Competition WIN A FREE 1-2-1 Pilates session

6. Links (New and Existing):

7. Benefit from NLP in your sport via volunteering
     for a NLP Master Practitioner thesis project :

8. Attend Intermediate level Pilates class for free:

9. Venue for UCD Pilates COURSE NEEDED:

10. Pilates venues in Stillorgan, Dundrum sought
      attend a Pilates course for 1/2 price:

11. Inspirational Quotes - Food for thought Website section:

Possible venues for Personal Fitness Coaching.

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Last time updated: 19/03/2006