McNally Swords CC League
Below are some links regarding the 2001 Club League.
Breakdown of Places V Starting Groups & Category.
Who won the CP's(incl Club,Cat & Group).
League Activity Breakdown for last 5 years.
Breakdown of numbers of races per rider for last 5 years (new)
How Cups & prizes are awarded. (ammended)
How points are awarded (incl U/age & Ladies).
Still to come: TT h/cap system.
consider the above.
All constructive critisism welcome.
e.g. Last two Races started on time. This was down to three things. Chief Steward turned up early to organise sign on. Most riders also turned up early. Riders told what time they were starting at and third, stewards were in position. Not enough stewards is the most common reason for races not starting on time.