The Binary Apostles.

There are ten Apostles of the computer world, from here on I will call them the Binary Apostles. Notice Binary == BIN and Apostles can be shortened to APP. Coincedence? Log Off Sucka.

The Binary Apostles are like Jesus's Apostles in many ways. For example, the Apostles have no heirarchy, so it is ideal for the computing world. If there was hierarchy and I put Bill Gates ahead of Linus Torvlads, Klingon blood would be spilt.

These men have had more influence on my life than anyone else, I love them more than life.exe and pray to Tim Berners-Lee every night after I Log Off and before I Hibernate. However, I understand that you might not agree, maybe you want to see the inventor of JavaScript in the Binary Apostles( JavaScript, as if() )? If you would like to see a change, email me your suggestions, and please please please make sure you include your sexual orientation in any emails you send.

Enough! Here are the Binary Apostles at the Last Binary Supper:

1. Tim Berners-Lee (Clean Shaven, Thinning Hair) - Invented HTML and the Web at CERN. Legend.

2. Steve Ballmer (Clean Shaven, Bald) - Works at Microsoft as a dancer for Bill Gates. AKA Disco Steve.

3. George Boole (Sideburns) - The clue is in the name! Boole gave birth to Boolean Logic. He also realised binary as a mathematical system, therefore he is a God. Homosexual.

4. Bill Gates (Clean Shaven) - He's a self made Billionaire, he's quite a guy.

5. A Modem (N/A) - In my eyes the greatest invention in the entire universe.

6. Steve Jobs (Clean Shaven) - Co-founded Apple with Woz.

7. Linus Torvalds (Clean Shaven) - Invented Linux because he was too tight to buy UNIX. He's as tight as a highly compressed Zip file.

8. James Gosling (Beard, Bald) - Created Java, also known as the greatest programmer in the world. God I would love to watch him code. Or watch him compete in a code off between Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds.

9. Woz (Beard).

10. Gottfried Willhelm Leibniz (Beard, Long Curly Hair) - First discussed the uses of Binary in 1066. A thousand years ago.

Jesus is depicted as a UNIX Server in this image. I didn't want to use a person as Jesus, because I didn't want to take sides in the Windows vs. Linux vs. Macintosh debate.

Is there a relationship between beards and the INNERNET/Computers? Email me your thoughts.


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