The Binary Keyboard© and BinaryStix©


The Binary Keyboard© is a keyboard with 2 keys, zero and one. High voltage or Low Voltage, True or False, Logic 0 or Logic 1, On or Off, Black or White, Gay or Straight, Man or Woman....all these are controlled by the laws of Binary...DIGITIZE.

The keyboard would have only two keys as shown in figure one. Two keys about 20cm high each. USB 2.0 and FireWire are used to connect the keyboard, as the data rate from an advanced Binary Typist© can exceed USB1.1's 12Mbps standards. Keys can be beaten with fists, or if you have a drummers rhythm you can buy the optional BinaryStix©.

Binary Keyboard Copyright <a>MODEM</a>

The BinaryStix© are supplied at an extra charge. They allow you to type at up to 12 billion characters a minute, which is as fast as Microsoft's main servers at peak time.

The Binary Keyboard retails at €499.00 and the Oak BinaryStix retail at €199.00, email me to order now, including your contact details and sexual orientation. Coming soon! DigiStix©.


© <a>MODEM</a> and BaTtLeBoT