Why I Love Bill Gates


Bill Gates is the coolest man alive. In my eyes he is a Desktop Icon, and no-one will ever convince me otherwise. Here is a short list on why I think he is such a beautiful man.

1. WINDOWS XP- In a recent survey 95% of people said that they thought Windows XP is more important than Democracy, Good Health and Air all put together. Without Windows there would be no light, simple as that. I wouldn't be here because I would have killed myself years ago, because without Windows my Modem would have collected dust in the corner of my house, and that would definately drive me to suicide. However I also love Linux, which some might say is a paradox, but I love anything that comes off a Hard-disk, and is in Binary.




4. HE wants a personal computer in every home in the world. Anyone who dreams about computers is a hero in my eyes, and he aint no fool().

5. HE realised the potential of computers years before anyone else, and not only did he realise it, but he fucking well did something about it and went on to create the software empire he has today, which in turn has made my life worth living. I love you.

6. HE has rooted in trash for code listings. Yes that's right, he loves code so much that he rooted in the rubbish bins of local software companies to find code that they had written. Quote:

"In my case, I went to the garbage cans at the Computer Science Center and I fished out listings of their operating system."

<a>MODEM</a> says: Looking in trash for code made Bill Gates a multi-billionaire, so if you think thats funny you better Log Off, or Dial-Up someone who cares.

7. A world without Bill Gates would probably look something like the picture below, I would have no partner, and I would never have met other people who speak Klingon, or people who go on Klingon Kamping Trips and drink Romulan Ale. The Internet would never have become so popular if BILLY GATES never came along and made computers cool. No Internet == No Life, as we know it.

A Wasteland without Windows

If you agree with what I have said - email me and we can chat. Include your sexual orientation in any emails you send.


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