My Favourite Links - The product of my hero Bill Gates. Why? 1: WindowsXP, 2: .NET, 3: Cute.

Linux ISOs - Get ISO images for many flavours of Linux, and if you don't know what an ISO image is, just LTFO, you are wasting my server download quota.

Modems - Murder rates and suicide rates are down every year since the modem was invented, fact. You can also thank the modem for the INNERNET, and the INNERNET is how many, many people have met their partners, including myself, which was at a Klingon Kamping Trip, on Rygon 7, which was organised over the INNERNET, all via a number of computers connected to the INNERNET via a modem. Thank you God.

CERN - The European Organisation for Nuclear Research. If you don't reaslise the significance of this little :-) place, then you better just roll over and start shitting me ADSL modems, because you Sir, are a fool(). CERN is where Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML. Many people say French or Italian is the most beautiful language in the world, but they are all wrong - it's HTML.

Yahoo Chat - Where I have met people willing to meet up dressed like Klingons and go to a pub, order Romulan Ale, talk in Klingon about Humanoid oppression and discuss who was cooler out of Picard and Kirk.

Java - Java is the second best language in the world. Example: I have a Java compatible mobile phone, which means I can write programs for my phone, which honeslty makes me want to cry with joy.


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