I Love All Computers, Great And Small.

I don't just love Bill Gates and Windows. I don't just love Modems. I love all computers. I love Linux, I love UNIX. I would literally kill for a Cray SuperComputer running the latest Linux Kernel, connected to the INNERNET through a fucking shit-hot Double ADSL Firewire HyperModem. The sad truth is, I have never even seen a Cray in person.

However my point is that some people are spending too much time argueing over which is the best Operating System. While I agree to a certian extent, I ALSO believe in free love of OS's. I would prefer to argue my case about my preferred OS, than to talk about women for example. Women are useless and obsolete in many ways, unlike the computer.

I dream of a day when I can walk into a Pro-Linux chat room on Yahoo Chat and actually say "Yes, I like Windows" without getting my head kicked in by a stampede of Pro-Linux Hools. I want to be able to share a drink with a Mac addict, and compare and contrast our favourite features of an OS without ending up in a blood bath of anger and violence. I have a dream, a software related dream...

I am that brown dot in the middle of that Venn Diagram. Yes, I love ALL computers. I only wish more could be like me.


© <a>MODEM</a> and BaTtLeBoT