I Hate Anti-Computer Propaganda.

Anti-Computer propaganda is being spread around the world faster than Vulcan butter from a dodgy replicator. It is being spread by people who think that they don't need computers in their everyday lives, as if pal - Log Off. These "people" think that without Modems, they would continue to live a very normal life, yeah right - Go Hibernate. Some of these idiots just don't know how to use a computer, and think that by ignoring computers they won't even need to use one, no way - Format Off, and i don't mean a Quick Format either.

Here are some examples of this useless waste of binary storage digits and bandwidth -

It IS the best browser out there.

Precisely, you WILL install Internet Explorer, because it is the fastest, the most reliable and the most efficient browser available.

Evil, Gay & Wrong

Anyone who believes bull like this doesn't deserve to be on the internet browsing. Whoever designed it is a sick individual. How dare they use Bill Gates' name in vain. Also spelling Microsoft with a $ sign is just wrong.

<a>MODEM</a> says: The only way to solve problems like these is to start coding. So here is my answer - my Anti-Computer Propaganda Binary Scan Tool - this sweet tight little App will scan a computer for any Bill Gates or Woz LIES and email the results to Bill or Woz immediately, along with the dirty bastards I.P. address. Using the wonders of the INNERNET this I.P. address can be used to trace the whereabouts of the propoganda, and from there Bill and Woz can take the matter into their own hands.

I have contacted Woz and Bill about this and they declined to answer any of my emails/calls/letters.

Code That You SOB


Bill Gates Is Not A Nazi.

Some people actually think that Bill Gates is a Nazi. They compare him to Hitler. Just look at these shocking photos to see what I mean. <a>Modem</a> says: If Hitler had 128-bit Encryption to send his troops messages istead of the Enigma code, then Germany would have won the war. Just thank God that Hitler wasn't like Bill Gates (A Computer Genius), or else you would all be under Herr Reichscommandant's control-Alt-Del right now.


Look at that above. Someone out there actually thinks that a software company that has a monopoly can be compared to the final solution, which was Hitler's dream to remove all Jews, Negros, Hippies and Handicaps from Europe. Think about it...does he actually get that annoyed by software that he would compare it to Hitler's dreams? If YOU are that person, please email me. I would love to talk software with you. You obviously love software, if you can see a link between software and the death of 45 million people. Include your sexual orientation in any emails you send.


People Think That Bill Gates Is a Borg.

People like this have similar dreams to me. Bill Gates starring in episodes of Star Trek. This I can relate to, but NOT as a Borg. I would like to see the Enterprise with a Windows XP network, and Bill Gates would act as the Systems administrator. Then you could have a Klingon BattleCruiser with an Linux/UNIX network, where Linus Torvalds would be the Linux Systems Administrator...then the two ships could fight eachother....but not with Photon Torpedos, but with viruses, worms and hacks on eachothers systems. I would personally see Linus win that one, but I would prefer to have sex with Bill Gates.

Systems Administrator of the Enterprise Windows Bio-Network, Yes. Borg, No.

Many people who read this may well think that I only love Bill Gates because I fancy him, but that isn't true. I love all computers. All of them. At home I have several computers, all with different OS's. I love Linux, I love Linus Torvlads. I love Bill Gates, I love Windows XP. I love Woz, I love MacOS X.


© <a>MODEM</a> and BaTtLeBoT