Why Computers/Modems Are Better Than Women.

1. Women waste processor time thinking about shopping and clothes. My computer thinks about shopping, when I shop on the INNERNET. My computer thinks about clothes, when I change the Skin on Winamp, and at no other times.

2. Women do not store data on a Hard-Disk. This means that women can make mistakes and forget important things. Something a computer cannot do.

3. Women are crap at directions. Microsoft Autoroute 2002 never ever sends me on a wrong turn, when I am looking for the Star Trek convention, or if I want to get to Rygel 4.

4. Women dont take commands very well, unless it suits them. Click Start|Run (or Win Key + R) and type in a command in a Windows environment, and your order will be executed with brilliant efficiency, without any word of complaint, no matter how many current processes are running. Start, Run your woman this command and see what she says:

Give this command to a woman and watch the wasted processor time go by as she complains and argues.

5. Women's data storage banks (brains) cannot be Formatted. A computer who is acting a bit cantankerous can be formatted, or can have it's hard-disk replaced at any time.

6. A woman's Desktop Wallpaper (face) cannot be changed. Bored of the look of your computer? Change the wallpaper, in 3 or 4 easy clicks (Mac, Win or Linux compatible comment).

7. Women are not dual-bootable. I have 4 Operating Systems on my computer. If I get bored of Sun Solaris, no problem. Restart and boot into Windows XP Professional. I am an OS PLAYER.

8. Women's data storage banks (brains) cannot be backed-up on CD-R/CD-RW. Enough said.

9. Women can't play MP3's and may even dislike your choice of music. Winamp will never ever comment on your choice of music, but I bet your bottom CD-R that a woman would.

10. You cannot attach a USB1, USB2 or Firewire peripheral to a woman. You can't even attach a Modem to a woman. End of argument.

<a>MODEM</a> says: May I point out that I have never had a girlfriend, but after compiling this list, I am even more sure now than I ever was, that I will never ever have one, or need one for that matter. 01101010111011010100.


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