Vasco da Gama (1460 - 1524) |
Click Vasco da Gama's name below for WWW links. 1. Picture of Vasco da Gama and easy to read information 2. Good pictures of Vasco da Gama on this site with information that may be a little difficult to read. 3. This site is a translatioon from Portuguese celebrating Vasco da Gama's 500 anniversary. the information is a litle difficult but the illustrations are useful. 4. A sixth grade student wrote this project about Vasca da Gama. It includes a map. 5. A long article about Vasco da Gama with good pictures. 6. This site has a map of Vasco da Gama's voyage. 7. Another map of Vasco daGama's voyage. 8. A short article about Vasco da Gama from the Mariner's Museum. 9. A project about Vasco da Gama with a map. 10. Information about Vasco da Gama and a summary of his achievements. 11. Information about Vasco da Gama with a map and illustrations. 12. Try a quiz about Vasco da Gama. 13. What navigational tools did the explorers use? This is a link to Matsumoto school's excellent project. 14. Life aboard ship. 15. Life aboard ship. 16. Keeping healthy aboard ship. 17. What did early sailors eat? Biscuits yum-yum! 18. Click here for a blank map of the world.