The Early Explorers Teachers' Page
"The Early Explorers" has been designed as a webquest. Webquests have
been in use in education for some time. Bernie Dodge is credited
with developing the first webquests at Sandiego State University in 1995.
The Ozline website has a good introduction to wequests by Tom March. There is also an online template available. AIMS The aims of this webquest are that fifth/sixth class children will:
PROJECT OVERVIEW The Introduction Page introduces the children to the project. The Task Page outlines the task in detail. The Process Page explains to the children how to organise their project and the Resource Page gives internet resources for each explorer. There are nine pictures of explorers on the resource page and clicking on any one of them will show a page of web links for that particular explorer. The Evaluation Page deals with assessment. There are two assessment forms for the children. One is a group form directly related to the end product and the other is an individual form, relating to individual performance, to be filled in privately by individual students to allow them to reflect on their personal contribution. RESOURCES NECESSARY FOR THIS WEBQUEST
SKILLS REQUIRED This webquest presumes some knowledge of basic internet skills (downloading and saving information and pictures; and cut and paste) and wordprocessing skills. EVALUATION There are four teacher evaluation sheets that you may find helpful in assessing your students' work. The first deals with Teamwork; the second with the contribution of Individual students; the third with the Research Process and the fourth with observing the project as a whole. As stated above, there are two assessment forms for the children with links from the Evaluation page. One is a group form directly related to the end product and the other is an individual form, relating to individual performance, to be filled in privately by individual students to allow them to reflect on their personal contribution. CONCLUSION I hope you and your students enjoyed this webquest and found it beneficial.
©Kay McCarthy January 2002 |