Francis Drake (1541 - 1596) |
Click Francis Drake's name below for WWW links. 1. Bartlett Junior School wrote this project about Sir Francis Drake. It includes a picture and map. 2. A Thinkquest project about Sir Francis Drake which includes a picture.
3. This article about
Sir Francis Drake
from the
Mariner's Museum
is a little
but it has good
4. This is a clear map of Sir Francis Drake's voyages 5. An illustrated article from the National Maritime museum about Sir Francis Drake. 6. What navigational tools did the explorers use? This is a link to Matsumoto school's excellent project. 7. Life aboard ship. 8. Life aboard ship. 9. Keeping healthy aboard ship. 10. What did early sailors eat? Biscuits yum-yum! 11. Click here for a blank map of the world.