Irish Mammal Websites


Edmund Rice Primary School Website  

A project written by the children of this primary school in Tramore on Irish mammals. Some illustrations.
Mooney Goes Wild on One   Good factsheets on Irish mammals.  No illustrations.
The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group  Good factsheets on our marine (sea) mammals with illustrations..

Peatlands Environment and Heritage Service 

Information and illustrations about the fox, hare, otter, pygmy shrew and red deer. 


BBC Wildfact Website  

Good factsheets and illustrations.

ENFO   Ireland's environmental information website.  Information on foxes, bats, hares, rabbits, deer, dolphins and porpoises.
A Project on Irish Mammals

Please use some of the websites listed above to find out information about the mammal you have chosen.   Write out any interesting facts that you find.  Now write your story using the headings below.





Introduction  (Introduce your animal.) 


Life span (How long does the mammal live?)


Size (How big is the mammal?  How long?  How tall? Is the mammal heavy?  Please use cms. and kgs.)


Physical Description (What does the mammal look like? Colour?  Any distinguishing marks?  Tail?  Winter colour? etc.)

(In what part of Ireland would you find the animal?  Are there many in the wild?  Would you find it in other countries?  Has it always been an Irish mammal or was it introduced?)

(Where does the animal live?  On the ground? In the rivers?  In trees?

(What does the animal eat?  How does it catch its prey?)

(Is it nocturnal?  Does it travel around the country much?  Does it hiberrnate?)

(How many young does it have?  How often does it have young?  Where does it build its nest? )

Conservation status
(Is your mammal an endangered species?)


Any other interesting information




Bibliography ( Write a list of the websites and books you used in your project.)



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