Mr. Peter Donohoe - Principal

Miss Brid Ryall - Teaches Junior 1&2

Mrs. Anne O'Neill (1) - Teaches Junior 3&4

Mrs. Cliodna Brennan - Teaches Junior 5

Miss Millie Ryan - Teaches Junior 6

Miss Yvonne Whelan - Teaches Senior 1

Mrs. Sheila Herlihy - Teaches Senior 2

Mr. Michael Brennan - Teaches Senior 3

Miss Sinéad Foley - Teaches Senior 4

Mr. Michael Cotter - Teaches Senior 5

Mrs. Ellen Dowling - Teaches PE

Mrs. Louise Cashin - Special Needs Assistant with S4 & S5

Mrs. Rose Prodromou - Special Needs Assistant with S2 & S3

A. Another - Special Needs Assistant in charge of Child Care

Miss Jeanette Kealy - Special Needs Assistant with J1 & J2

Mrs. Sandra O'Neill - Secretary

Mrs. Mary Hennessy - FÁS Classroom Assistant with J6 & S1

Mrs. Rosie Kirwan - FÁS Assistant

Notes (1) Anne O'Neill is temporary teacher for Alma Holohan who is on a career break.


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