April 2000


Mother of Fair Love School is co-educational, special school which caters for students who have a mild general learning disability. The school is under the patronage of the Bishop of Ossory, operates within the rules of the department of Education and Science and is managed by a Board of Management. The aspirations of the school for its pupils encapsulates a broad concept of education which involves educating the whole child in the areas of intellectual, physical, social, spiritual and emotional development so that pupils achieve their maximum potential for growth.

The general aim of the school is, where possible, to equip its pupils with the skills required for the personal and social competence that is necessary for independent living and with the skills required for employment or training leading to employment. It is, therefore, necessary for the school to be a caring community founded on high professional standards, mutual trust and respect for the essential worth and human dignity of all its members. To promote this atmosphere of respect the school has drawn up a Code of Behaviour.

As is the case in most schools, the majority of our pupils are well behaved and well motivated, however, we acknowledge the special needs of some pupils who, for many reasons, social, economic, physical, intellectual, emotional - may find adjustment to school routines (and constraints) very difficult. These pupils require much from a school in terms of skills, human resources, patience and acceptance. The positive influence of pupils' homes is acknowledged as a major factor in the development of young people's attitudes and beliefs and, in co-operation with the parents and guardians, therefore, our school adopts a positive approach to discipline. Through effective communication between school and home, this school will ensure that discipline is consistent and fair and with this in mind Mother of Fair Love School has adopted a Code of Discipline. Breaches of the Code of Behaviour will be dealt with according to the Code of Discipline.


Mother of Fair Love School endeavours to create an atmosphere in which it is possible for each pupil to use his or her time in school in such a manner as will enable them to develop into mature, responsible adults. The creation of such an atmosphere implies that the pupils will show respect for themselves, for their fellow pupils, for adults and for property. The school staff is conscious of the need to ensure that this required atmosphere is created in all parts of the school, both indoor and outdoor, and in all school and school related activities in which pupils are involved while they are enrolled in this school.

In order to assist the staff of the school and its pupils to create the appropriate atmosphere guidelines of behaviour in all these situations are now outlined.

In showing respect for themselves, pupils will:

1. Avoid engaging in any activity which is harmful to themselves.

2. Maintain an acceptable standard of personal hygiene and dress.

3. Be punctual in their attendance at all school activities and in all school duties.

4. Remain on the school premises during school hours unless they have the written permission of a designated member of the school staff and the written consent of their parents.

5. Follow the safety regulations set out in the school and each class and move in an orderly manner from place to place.

In showing respect for other fellow students, pupils will :

1. Treat each other with consideration for each others feelings by acting politely towards each other and by avoiding name calling, the use of abusive or foul language, hurtful remarks and all forms of bullying.

2. Show an awareness of the difficulties of others and assist younger pupils and any pupil with extra special needs, whenever necessary.

3. Co-Operate with others in their group while engaging in school work, and accept the rights of others to work without being interrupted.

4. Avoid any dangerous form of play, and share all the facilities of the school fairly.

In showing respect for adults, pupils will:

1. Accept the authority of each member of the school staff, at all times during the school day.

2. Listen to and respond appropriately to the directions of their class teacher while in class and comply with class rules.

3. Listen to and respond appropriately to the directions of school staff while out of class and comply with school rules.

4. Behave in a courteous manner towards all visitors to the school.

5. Behave appropriately towards adults encountered outside the school while engaged on school related activities, e.g. on work experience, educational tours, school trips or while engaged in other school related activities.

In showing respect for the property of others, pupils will:

1. Not abuse, vandalise or deface any part of the school premises, furnishing or equipment.

2. Use all school equipment and materials properly and ensure that they are returned to their proper place after use.

3. Ensure that the property of other pupils or of staff members is not taken or used without the consent of the owner.

4. Take care of their own personal belongings e.g. books, shoes, school-bags etc. and make sure they are left in the appropriate places in the school.

5. Ensure that the school premises and grounds are kept litter free and tidy at all times.


1. The overall responsibility for discipline within the school rests with the Principal Teacher. Each teacher has responsibility for the maintenance of discipline within his/her classroom while sharing a common responsibility for good order within the school premises. A pupil will only be referred to the Principal Teacher for serious breaches of discipline and for repeated incidents of minor misbehaviour.

2. The following strategies may be used to show disapproval of unacceptable behaviour. i.e. lack of respect for themselves, for their fellow pupils, for adults and for property: -

A. Reasoning with the pupil.

B. Reprimand (including advice on how to improve).

C. Temporary separation from peers, friends and others.

D. Loss of privileges.

E. Detention during a break or after school

F. Prescribing additional work.

G. Referral to Principal Teacher for serious breaches of discipline and for repeated incidents of minor misbehaviour. *

H. Communication with parents. **

I. Financial contributions sought from Students/Parents to compensate for vandalism or defacement of any part of the school premises, its furnishings and equipment.

J. Exclusion, Suspension (3 day, short term, long term) or Expulsion***

* Teachers will record instances of minor misbehaviour in class "yellow book" and more serious incidents in class "red book". Serious breaches of discipline will be recorded in office "Black Book" and pupil will be interviewed by Principal/Deputy and action taken accordingly.

** Communication with parents will be verbal or by letter, depending on circumstances. The parents concerned will be invited to come to the school to discuss their child's case.

*** Where there are repeated instances of serious misbehaviour, the Chairperson of the Board of Management will be informed and the parents/guardians will be requested in writing to attend at the school to meet the Chairperson of the Board of Management and Principal Teacher. Hopefully a resolution will be found immediately. If not the Board of Management may invoke the sanctions of exclusion, suspension or expulsion: -

Exclusion is a sanction by which a pupil prevents him/herself by his/her behaviour, from being admitted to school. Generally, exclusion means debarment from school for a specified period during which the compliance of the pupil or parents with a requirement of the school is sought, e.g. the maintenance of standards of behaviour, dress, or hygiene. In the case of pupil who is excluded for disruptive behaviour, the condition is that the/she undertakes to comply with the school rules or code of discipline on his/her return. Once the condition is fulfilled by the pupil, he/she will be allowed back into the school. By the reasonable use of exclusion, time is made available for negotiating with parents and students and in seeking their co-operation prior to the use of the more serious sanction of suspension.

Suspension is a sanction by which a Board of Management bars a pupil from attendance at school for a specific period of time. Suspension from our school will be in accordance with the terms of Rule 130 (5) of the Rules for National School. For Gross misbehaviour the Board will authorise the Chairperson or Principal Teacher to sanction an immediate suspension, pending a discussion of the matter with parents. Aggressive threatening or violent behaviour towards a member of staff or fellow students will be regarded as a gross misbehaviour and will warrant immediate suspension. Students/Parents/Guardians will be required to sign an undertaking that no repeat of this behaviour will happen. Student/Parent/Guardian will be made aware that a repeat of this misbehaviour may lead to expulsion. Following a period of suspension the student and his/her parents/guardians will have to meet with the school authorities before a student is readmitted to school.

Expulsion from our school will be considered in extreme cases and will be Carried out in accordance with Rule 130 (6) of the Rules for National Schools.


1. In revising the previous Code of Discipline which dated back to December '90 the Board of Management consulted the Mother of Fair Love School Parent Group, the body representing the parents/guardians of the pupils attending the school.

2. All members of teaching staff have been consulted in revising and expanding the code.

3. A copy of this code has been made available to all parents and their views sought on same.

4. The code will be reviewed at agreed intervals.

5. In the belief that the most effective schools tend to be those with the best relationship with parents, every effort will be made by the Principal Teacher and staff to ensure that parents are kept well informed, that the school provides a welcoming atmosphere towards parents and that parents are told not only when their children are in trouble but when they behave particularly well.


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