1. Parents/guardians should inform the school of any known problems associated with a pupil's health.

2. A pupil who becomes ill while in school should report this to a member of staff. He/she must not leave the school without permission from the Principal or his Deputy.

3. Every effort will be made to contact the parents/guardians. The pupil will remain in the care of the school until the parents/guardians or their designated representative can assume responsibility.

4. In the case of an emergency (in the opinion of a teacher or other such person of the school authority) any pupil complaining of serious illness or who has suffered injury will be taken to hospital for treatment either by car or by ambulance. In this regard the school authorities accepts no liability and are at all times deemed to be acting in the best interest of the pupil.


While the care and welfare of the pupil is paramount at all times, the teacher or school representative should be expected to stay with the pupil at the hospital or surgery only for so long as it takes for the parents/guardians or their designated representative to assume responsibility.

5. If parents/guardians wish school staff to give medication to a student they must complete a Consent and Indemnity Form which is available from the Principal. (see separate note below on Administration of Medicines)


1. In the case of minor accidents e.g. small cuts, etc., basic first aid may be administered in school (unless otherwise directed by the parents/guardians in advance).

2. In all other cases the parents/guardians will be contacted to come and collect the pupil.

3. If it is not possible to contact the parents/guardians or it they are unable to come and collect the pupil the school will, depending on the situation: -

(a) Bring the pupil home. If there is no responsible adult there to take charge of him/her the pupil will remain in the care of the school unless, contact having been made, the parent/guardians arrange otherwise.

(b) Bring the pupil to a doctor.

(c) Bring the pupil to the hospital.

Please note:

(i) While the care and welfare of the pupil is paramount at all times, the teacher or school representative should be expected to stay with the pupil at the hospital or surgery only for so long as it takes for the parents/guardians or their designated representative to assume responsibility.

(ii) The school will not pay doctors or hospital fees, or other incurred expenses such as taxi costs. The school recommends that each pupil has his own personal insurance. This cover is organised through the school and costs very little. Forms entitled "Personal Accident Insurance for Students"are sent out to Parents/Guardians at the start of each school year.

4. In compliance with the Health & Welfare Regulations, details of accidents will be recorded and retained in the School Accident Report Book and File.



If the parents of guardians of a student attending Mother of Fair Love School wish to have medicine given by school staff to their son/daughter/guardian then they must:

1. Fill out a Request Form.

2. Complete an Indemnity Form. Both of these forms are available from the School Principal. The completed forms will be passed on by the Principal to the Board of Management for consideration. The Board of Management of Mother of Fair Love School will then decide whether or not to agree to this request and will inform the parent(s) or guardian(s) in writing of its decision.


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