Mother of Fair Love Parent Group.
This group has been going for a good number of years providing extra services for the children of the school. At the moment the group is represented by a committee of nine parents. Chairperson is Mr.John McKee, secretary is Mrs. Edel Bolger, treasurer is Mr. John Trant and the otherr members of the committee are Mrs. Marion Byrne, Mrs. Frances Doody, Pat & Mary Geoghegan, Mr. Tomas Turley and Mrs. Valerie Walsh. The committee meet on an average of once every four to six weeks after the A.G.M. which is held early in the school year.
Working in close co-operation with the Principal and the teachers, the group provides a lot of extra services for the children of the school. These include a Speech and Drama teacher and a Reflexologist both of whom come to the school every week.
Weekly, the senior classes go to a local leisure centre for Physical Education. This is subsidised by the Parent Group.
During the year the Parent Group provide money to pay for the buses to sports events, presents for the Christmas Party, school trips, sports equipment and a host of other activities.
The money for all these is generated by first of all a weekly Voluntary Envelope Collection. Every year the group produces a School Calendar. We also have an Armchair Quiz and run a Cabaret in Thomastown. This year, for the first time, there was a 5-week draw held just before the Easter. On average the Group spends £8,000 - £10,000 annually on the children of the school.
Up to a few years ago some parents did the washing - up after the school dinner, but when these parents moved on (as parents do) the group saw the need for some kind of dishwasher. So they provided an industrial dishwasher which is also a very good training facility for the children of the school.

Some parents expressed concern about the school meals getting cold, having being delivered early. Very recently the Group invested in a Bain-Marie which will ensure that cold meals will be a thing of the past.

Photo of electrician wiring up the Bain-Marie 22/5/2001.

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