The 2020-current
Pnut P51
13" wingspan
3mm rubber loop
Balsa and insulation foam
Ink jet Printer yellow tissue
Small SF 260
6 mm Depron Fuselage with
1.5 mm X 6 mm balsa outlines
3 mm curved Depron wings
1.5 mm by 3mm balsa outlines
3mm Depron ailerons, tail
20g outrunner motor 2300kv
6 x 3 prop
10 amp esc
2S 350/450 Lipo
2 4.3gms servos
90 gms weight
Voodoo Unlimited Air Racer
15" wingspan
4.5 mm rubber loop
Balsa and insulation foam
Printed yellow tissue
Rubber Powered
3mm and 6mm PS foam
16g weight
5.25" prop